What My Third Child Taught Me

When our third child was born, nearly two years ago, my husband and I were pretty sure we had this parenting caper under control. By under control, I mean, we knew we had no idea, but when it came to little people we had a few tricks up our sleeves.

Pretty quickly we worked out we knew nothing. Our third girl was unlike our other two children, which we should have guessed, as our second child was nothing like our first child.

What our third child has taught us is no child is alike; every child is born with it’s own distinct personality and no matter what tricks you think you have for survival, they are often not interchangeable.

She has taught us to always be nervous if she is quiet and never, ever leave her unattended. Here’s the evidence.

She has also taught us that love has no boundaries and we sure do love her, as we do all our gorgeous, naughty, free spirited, cheeky children.

What lessons have your children taught you recently?

Bianca Wordley is an Adelaide-based blogger, writer and the publisher of bigwords. She also blogs for The Hoopla, justb, Happy Child and Kleenex Mums. She loves reality television, eating Maggie Beer pate and drinking gin. She has three beautiful children.


  1. I love this post as it is EXACTLY what our 3rd child is like (we could even duplicate the photos LOL!) I am a kindy teacher and once at a fancy conference dinner I sat next to a lady with 8 children. I said to her, “So I am curious – how many different flavours do you think there are?” (as a kindy teacher I am amazed by how infrequently I have children that are alike) She smiled and laughed and said, “That is why I had so many, I just couldn’t wait to see what the next one would be like!”
    They are all different, all unique, and all a total blessing!

  2. I LOVE this, especially as my third child is like this – so different to the first two, who are not like each other. He’s unique and individual, and I wouldn’t want it any other way…even with the cheeky benchtop climbing!

  3. Is it ALL third borns? My Badoo is the cheekiest of the bunch. And, if I recall, MultipleMum was the cheekiest of my own bunch and she’s, you guessed it, third born!

    So, if the world only had 2 children apiece, we’d miss out on the cheekies. Tragic! x

  4. I can not tell you how excited to see my face on your blog! Thanks so much for asking me. I so hope you are enjoying these beautiful newborn days. Much love Bianca xx

  5. Mum's the Word says:

    Oh my first two were different from each other but my third baby is a real little firecracker.!!! every one I know who has 3 or more says their number 3 is just full on!

  6. Um, I thought this was normal and I’ve only had one! Does this mean it will be easier next time, or that our number three would be disastrous?!?!

  7. why is that ?? i have 3 daughters ages 6, 4, 2 and thought when the 3rd was gonna be born that i too got this in the bag! why do they try to prove you soo wrong?!!
    i mean yes my 2nd is NOTHING like my first so why did i even assume that i would have it under control.. and why ohh why is the third child sooooo difficult, bossy, destructive, aggressive, cute, talkative, soo friendly to everysinglehuman being except her sisters , and has a smile that lets her get away with everything ughhh.. the life of being the baby i guess!!

  8. Amanda Eastment says:

    Ha ha….we have number 3 on the way soon. Thanks for the heads up!

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