What Will You #PLAYTODAY?

Happy June 1st! With the busyness of kindy and a new baby I am finding that sometimes we need a prompt when it comes to playing something new… and this is especially relevant to our time spent outdoors. So for the month of June I will post one photo prompt each day with a simple idea for play, with a particular focus on playing outdoors. I hope each photo gets you thinking and inspires your family to make time to play.

You can follow along on the Childhood 101 Facebook page, Pinterest, Twitter or via Instagram. And if you feel inspired by any of the prompts at any time during the month, feel free to upload your photo to the C101 Facebook page or to tweet or instagram it with the hashtag #PLAYTODAY

What will you #PLAYTODAY?


  1. What a wonderful idea, Christie! We all need a little inspiration every now & again. 🙂

  2. Kirsty Van Itallie says:

    Yay! Just what I need. Mr 20 months is crazy about the outdoors but Mummy runs a bit dry of ideas sometimes, especially as the weather cools down. Thanks heaps…anticipate your photo posts greatly!

  3. Love this idea, we’ll be joining in for sure!

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