24 Ideas for Family Fun in the Backyard

The talented Mums of Childhood 101 put their heads together to bring you this slideshow of 24 great ideas for family fun in the backyard. We’re hoping that you will find inspiration to spend time outdoors as a family this weekend!

*If you are reading this via RSS or email you will need to click through to the post to see the actual slideshow.


What are your favourite ways to have fun as a family out in the backyard?

If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out the blogs of the regular (and very talented) Childhood 101 contributors – Kate of Picklebums, Cath aka Squigglemum, Tricia over at Little Eco Footprints and Sarah at Oesch & Doots. These ladies rock 🙂


  1. So many great ideas. Thank you .

  2. There’s some fantastic ideas here that we’ll certainly be tackling over the long weekend. One of the `must do’ activities is getting the garden back in order after a bumper crop of veggies over the summer. Our daughter loves choosing what vegetables we’re going to grow and then helping plant them.
    Great slideshow.

    1. Good luck with your vegie garden, Kellie. Ours is being invaded by the biggest pumpkin plant EVER! Fortunately there are lots of pumpkins growing too!

  3. SquiggleMum says:

    This might be my favourite post E-V-E-R on Childhood101!!!

  4. Adore. Anything that gets us outside in the sunshine (or rain, whatever is going!) is okay by me. This is fab. Thanks to all. x

  5. Julia Kuku Couture Invitations says:

    Thanks for sharing these fantastic ideas! My little boy is 16 months and loves exploring the outdoors I will need to try/modify some of these for him

  6. Stunning photographs that make me want to go right outside and create something. Brilliant!

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