Games for Kids: Fun Colouring Game

This is such a fun colouring game that my girls have literally been playing it non stop for days now. As a bonus – it was invented somewhat by accident! And if your kids prefer drawing to colouring, it’s really easy to adapt too.

Fun Games for Kids: The Colouring Game. A super fun colouring (or drawing) game for kids that the whole family can play!

Let me back up a little and tell you the story behind the game. Miss 4 and I were home alone and she was insisting we play Twister which I really didn’t feel up to thanks to an unhealthy dose of sleep deprivation and a sore back. Plus I knew the only reason she was requesting Twister was because she loves spinning the spinner! So in the heat of our confrontation over me not wanting to play Twister, and her insisting we should, I suggested a compromise – a game I made up on the spot! We would use the Twister spinner to play a colouring game (though it doesn’t have to be a Twister spinner – see my notes below). Here’s how to play our super cool and totally addictive, invented colouring game.

You will need:

  • One colouring page per player. It can be any colour in page you like and you don’t all need to play with the same page.
  • A collection of felt tipped markers, coloured pencils or crayons
  • A game spinner with coloured spin options. You can use a Twister spinner like we do, or any from a game that includes a range of colours, for example our version of Candyland also includes a colour spinner.

To play:

1. Take turns spinning the spinner. All of the players much colour an area of their picture whichever colour the spinner lands on. Simple, right?!!

2. If you are using a Twister spinner as we have been, there are a couple of adaptations you can make – if the spinner lands on the white T then each player can choose whichever colour they like to colour one area of their picture. If the spinner lands on the cloud, each player chooses which colour the player to their left uses.

Fun Games for Kids: The Colouring Game. A super fun colouring (or drawing) game for kids that the whole family can play!

Alternatively, if your children (or family!) prefers drawing, use plain peper and play by using whichever colour is spun to draw and colour one shape on your picture.

I am still not sure why my girls have fallen so totally in love with this game but given that we’ve had quite a few quiet days at home due to illness recently I am totally running with it! Enjoy.

Looking for more cool explorations in colour, check out Kaleidoscope!
This is STEM, art and literacy like you’ve never seen it before – dressed up in all the colours of the rainbow!

Kaleidoscope:Hands On Explorations in Colour (and Color!) for Kids. A fabulous new resource for kids aged 5 to 55. Awesome intergrated learning activities incorporating, STEM, literacy, art, science, cooking and more

Kaleidoscope: Hands-On Explorations in Colour (and Color!) includes 25 awe-inspiring projects that integrate learning across a range of subject areas. It’s a fabulous resource for teachers, parents, camp organisers, youth and community group leaders, homeschoolers, out of school care educators and more. Pop over to find out more.

One Comment

  1. Dinesh Jetwani says:

    The blog is very nice and shares great information.
    Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work.

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