Lego Storage & Organisation Ideas

Immy recently asked to move our Lego collection into her bedroom as a way to help protect her creations from toddler-sized fingers. I knew we would have to find a simple-to-maintain system for playing with, organising and storing the Lego if I wanted to prevent it from taking over the whole room and with a dedicated play table and two handy storage boxes I think we might have done just that. Here’s how it looks…

In a divided underbed storage box we have sorted the Lego…

How to organize legos via Childhood 101

From top to bottom:

  1. Warm coloured standard bricks of all sizes
  2. Cool coloured standard bricks of all sizes
  3. Neutral coloured standard bricks of all sizes (or non-rainbow colours as Immy refers to them)
  4. Project pieces from
  5. Windows, doors, fence pieces and trees
  6. Project base plates of all shapes and sizes

How to organize legos via Childhood 101

Into a small, 21 section hobby box (with attached lid) we have sorted all the small bits and pieces – everything from flowers to minifigs, animals to vehicle wheels. We have actually been keeping the tiniest pieces in this box for about eight months now and it has worked well.

Lego organisation ideas

The Lego base boards fit really well onto the large, square Lack coffee table. We have not fixed them to the tabletop, preferring to leave them loose so that Immy can move them around. The large storage box sits under the table and the small one on the table’s shelf. Immy knows she has to build and play with the Lego on the table, not all around the room and three weeks in this system is working well so far.

For more ideas for Lego storage, check out these ideas from my fellow play bloggers…

How do you store your Lego pieces?

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  1. Can you tell me where you got the large divided box from please?

    1. Hi Alex, the box is called an 6 shoe underbed box. I have seen them at Red Dot (a discount store) and Howards Storage – if you are in Australia.

  2. Liz Davis says:

    Yes, where did you get your divided bins?

  3. Hi Liz, the box is called an 6 shoe underbed box. I have seen them at Red Dot (a discount store) and Howards Storage – if you are in Australia.

  4. I love the idea of storing the smallest pieces separately – makes a lot of sense. We usually have to tip our whole (large) container out to find them.

  5. Wow I love this system, you are so organised! Something similar is in my head for our house but we’ll get there one day (maybe lol)

    1. I completely understand, Kate, this was in my head for a long time before we got organised and actually just did it!

  6. Where did you get your coffee table from? Thanks for the reminder that everything works better if it’s organised.

  7. Any idea where to find the big under the bed divider in the US? We have a tool drawer system, but my lego maniac daughters have gotten too many, even with half of their Lego friends sets out all the time.

  8. Aha, love a good, tidy and organised Lego area!, thanks for sharing my post x

  9. Hi, I love the idea but what makes Lego enjoyable is “diving” into the box to look for parts.

    By organizing, it looks tidy, but limits the creativity. I love putting myself in child’s shoes so if I was a kid, i’d go ” oh ok. its here. ok . found it”

    but if it were all jumbled up.. ” oh wait, i saw this, maybe i can use this to create something else ”

    btw, love the table!!!! its an awesome table!

    1. The table is just the right size 🙂 When it comes to the organisation, I think it comes down to the individual child. We found that Immy didn’t like diving into a big, deep box of pieces – that might change when she is older? It doesn’t bother me if she doesn’t keep it sorted but I do think the low sided, flat box works better for her.

  10. Hi just wondering where you found the lego base plates I’ve looked everywhere and can not find them big enough.
    Cheers Sarah

    1. I have found them at Myer and Toys R Us (if you are in Australia), Sarah, or else look for online Lego specialty sellers – they often have parts that aren’t in the kits.

  11. I bought boxes very similar to the clear “hobby box” for smallest items that are actually tackle boxes for fishing lures, etc. I don’t remember how much they were but I got a good deal on them at sporting goods store in U.S. (Academy).
    Thanks for sharing your ideas!

  12. Mary DiTullio says:


  13. Hi, just thought id let you know that if you live in South Australia,like me, you can buy these boxes from Neds and Cheap as Chips.When my sons were young, i was having trouble getting spare parts so i wrote to Lego and joined the boys up as members and they received a catalogue and also a regular newsletter..They thought it was wonderful..Im not sure if they still do this,but its worth a try..Good Luck

  14. After trying out many different Lego storage ideas including a brick bag, large storage box, filing drawers and even looking at larger storage solutions like the IKEA Trofast, I think we have finally found ‘the one’ with this storage box. Love that it is portable from room to room and can be packed away under the bed when not in use. Thanks for a great solution 🙂

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