Toddler Travel: Did you pack the … ?

Thank you for the great comments and wonderful tips in response to yesterday’s post, Surviving the Plane?

This post, sent to me by the wonderful @mylittledrummer, got me motivated and so today I finally started to make a list of what I need to pack for our trip. Isn’t it amazing what a wealth of information there is available on the Internet – tips and tricks for just everything!

I am fascinated by the idea of ‘packing cubes’ mentioned in the article, not that I actually know what they are? They just sound like they would be really helpful as I am only taking one suitcase containing everything for both Immy and I. I am not so worried about clothing but I like the idea of having one each for electricals, toys and books, food and ‘out and about’ stuff that I can then pop into the bottom of the stroller. I would be really interested to know if anyone has ever come across Packing Cubes and if they were really useful.

So, what is on my list so far (not including clothes)…


  • Small packets of cereal – Immy eats early and instead of making her wait until Mum and I are ready to face the day, I think taking some cereal will be useful.
  • Plastic bowl, sippy cup and child sized utensils


  • Sleeping bag – not sure which ‘tog’ to take? Lightweight because Singapore is hot or medium weight because hotels are air conditioned?
  • Immy’s soft fleecy blanket which she lays on top of, not under
  • Tuli – Immy’s softie friend that she sleeps with

Out and about

  • Sunscreen
  • Sunglasses (hers and mine)
  • Hats for both of us (Mum, remember to pack yours!)
  • Nappy change kit – nappies, nappy disposal bags, bottom cream, sorbolene, change mat
  • Travel packs of baby wipes
  • Travel packs of tissues
  • Bathers, swimming nappies and Immy’s swimming vest (the buoyancy kind)
  • Camera (my point and shoot not my SLR) and video camera and chargers
  • Sling – I don’t use it as much now that Immy is walking but will take it for times when she needs to be carried. It doesn’t take up much space and she is getting heavier everyday.
  • Harness – I find it helpful for my curious wanderer though wonder how much she will be able to walk in the more crowded areas, hence the need for the sling and the stroller
  • Stroller

Basic First Aid Kit (this was a great tip thanks to @sunnyroadmum on her list of Tips for Flying with Children)

  • Band Aids
  • Antiseptic cream
  • Children’s Panadol
  • Thermometer
  • Insect repellent (need to find one that is toddler friendly)


  • Little paperback books so we can have our morning stories and a story before bed
  • Dolly, her clothes and bottle
  • Crayons and notepad

On our trip to Tasmania I took way too many toys for Immy and she hardly played with them so this time I am keeping it simple. A small part of me is wishing we had a portable DVD player as so many parents seem to recommend them for time spent in boring hotel rooms! I can understand as it would have been really handy when Immy got sick on our trip at Christmas and we had to spend more time chilling indoors than we intended. But we don’t have one and I can’t justify buying one for this trip so we will just have to make do with simple entertainment, like books and drawing.

Must remember!

  • Passports
  • Powerpoint adaptor

What else have I forgotten? What are your must haves for trips away that involve lots of tourist time and motel rooms? Please share your ideas by leaving a comment below.


  1. Super Sarah says:

    I am sorry I haven't weighed into the discussion, not sure where my time is going at the moment, but you definitely have things covered! I don't know what packing cubes are but when I travelled with Stella a few months ago I packed our things into different sized ziplock bags in my case so I could just grab what I needed. It was so much easier to unpack at the other end as well and my suitcase even came home looking reasonably organised which is a first!

  2. Hi,
    Ok, here's my input:

    1. Cereal – yes good idea, I'd take it out of its packets and put it in readily divided up ziplocks, then put those inside a hard container (lunch box), that way you don't get them crushed but you don't have to take lots of little cardboard boxes that will take up space.

    2. Toys – Lucinda just sat there and played with anything but the toys.

    3. Portable DVD player – you can get them reasonably cheap at crazy clarks at the moment. Otherwise, can buy one duty free or maybe even cheap in Singapore.

    4. Sleeping bag – here in the tropics I have a light weight, long sleeved sleeping bag on Luci. If the air con is on I do it up (and you can always layer underneath), if its warm I roll up the sleeves and leave most of it undone. That way I can adjust it without too much hassle when she's asleep. The thicker ones just are too bulky for travel.

    5. Yes to sling, stroller and harness. We brought with us (on this trip) a stroller, harness and skateboard and we have used all of them in different situations. You might find the sling a bit hot to use in Singapore though.

    6. If you use any sort of specific cold medicine (such as demazin) you might want to take that too as you don't know what is available at the other end, kids get colds on the plane easily.

    7. Instead of crayons and paper you might find one of those doodle pads (estasketch) easier, you can always get one of those small, cheap ones at Kmart or Target (from the $5 section).

    That's all I can think of. Hope you guys have a FANTASTIC time!!!!

  3. Looks like a pretty comprehensive list. I thought I'd add that since it will be hot you might want refillable waterbottles, instead of buying small bottled water all the time (I don't know about drinkability of Singapore's water. Also, I use cornflour to help with heat rash in my children when it starts to get hot and humid.
    And for the sleeping bag you will want a medium-weight one for sleeping in aircon.

  4. Miss J Citizen says:

    Not sure if you've seen this already, but Eternal Voyageur has just written a couple of pieces about "Backpacking with toddlers" for Yes and Yes: and

    I know you're not backpacking as such, but there's tips in there for packing for flights, as well as surviving the flights themselves. Even if you're almost finished cramming everything into suitcases, this might just have that one-last-thing you'd have forgotten 🙂

  5. Will you be able to take cereal through customs?

  6. ickle kids says:

    Great list, what about:

    * Antibacterial gel – i don't leave home without it! I sound anal don't I?!

    * Don't forget to leave copies of passports with family here and stick a copy in your suitcase (somewhere different to where you keep your passports) … just incase!

    hope that helps!

  7. I googled packing cubes and they are basically little zippered half mesh / half fabric bags for packing various items neatly into a suitcase! Who knew? Although I must admit, having just had my second little one (22 minth gap) I’ve got two panniers on my stroller with separate bags for each size nappies, clothes and first aid type kit. It works like a dream finding what I want without turfing it all out all over the place. Some refining needed but it really is working. I’ve used various toiletry bags, all different colours, designs and sizes according to what I need. I can see this being brilliant in a proper travel situation like you are embarking on. Adding to your list for travel with a baby I would take lots of muslin squares too. They make a good, lightweight blanket, sun screen, mess cleaner, emergency breastfeeding shield ….. We have dozens and they are truly invaluable. Have a great trip!

  8. I picked up some packing cubes at Kathmandu recently, and agree very useful.

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