DIY Kids: Butterfly Hand Puppet
Welcome to visitors from Marie’s Summer Camp for Kids over at Make and Takes.
Puppets are fabulous for playful learning and this simple Butterfly puppet is made using just four easy to find items…
A circle of fabric, a wooden clothes peg, a long pipe cleaner and an exfoliating glove!
I re-purposed a piece of flannelette and decided to back it with some iron on fusible webbing to make it a little stiffer (and traced around a dinner plate to make my circle). I picked up a packet of two exfoliating gloves for $2 from my local discount store and the peg and pipe cleaner are staples in our art space.
To make:
1. Roughly concertina fold your fabric. Fold in half to find your centre point and push the fabric into the opening of the clothes peg.
2. Wrap the pipe cleaner around the peg and cross the two ends over.
3. Thread the end of the pipe cleaner through the open weave of the exfoliating glove. Repeat with the other end of the pipe cleaner, ensuring that the two ends are heading in opposite directions across the glove. Wind the excess length of pipe cleaner around and around the peg and then secure by twisting the two ends together to form the butterfly’s antennae. This bit is a little tricky and you could add a touch of hot glue to further secure the peg onto the glove.
Then it is time to pop on your glove and have some puppet fun.
Childhood 101 readers, be sure to check out the buzzing bee puppet that I made made with the other glove over at Make and Takes today.
Visitors to Childhood 101, you might like to check out my other ideas for homemade fun here or explore the Play category for more playful learning.
Do you play with puppets at your house?
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