Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Kids

Looking for Christmas stocking stuffer ideas for the pint-sized builder in your life? Or your little artist? Or budding chef?

Follow the links below to discover lists of ideas for kids with all sorts of interests!

Christmas stocking stuffer ideas for kids via Childhood 101

Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Creative Kids

Christmas stocking stuffer ideas for kids via Childhood 101

Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Outdoor Adventurers

Christmas stocking stuffer ideas for kids via Childhood 101

Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Tinkers & Builders

Christmas stocking stuffer ideas for kids via Childhood 101

Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Kids Who Like to Cook

Christmas stocking stuffer ideas for kids via Childhood 101

Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Baby’s First Christmas


  1. great post. I’ve nearly got everything for the stockings this year, but I’ve just made a note of loads of new ideas for next year! My children are quite young, but so far they fit into three or four of your categories.

  2. Lucy Acuna says:

    My boy, he’s almost 2 years old, but he’s on that stage were he only wants to eat tuna, even for breakfast 😛 So we put a little can of tuna every morning and he starts to count then when he sees the tuna runs to the kitchen and grab a spoon… It is so hilarious!!! Happy Holidays from Costa Rica!!

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