A sneak peek

It is almost here.

A space created especially for the stories no-one should ever have to write.

For the stories we should never feel we have to keep secret.

For the stories we should never feel we are expected to forget. For we never can.

For our stories of baby loss.

I have been working with one very special mama to create this space and am happy to announce that the site will go live this Friday. The image above was taken by another beautifully creative mama and depicts everything I want this new blog to be. A place to share, a place of support, a place of understanding.

Invitations to contribute are still open, and will be ongoing, as the site will be updated regularly with new posts, new stories. So if you are a family member who has experienced the grief of losing a baby during pregnancy or shortly thereafter, please consider being a part of this special place. You might like to share;

  • Your story
  • A letter to your baby, family or self about your experience
  • A post outlining what you wish others knew or understood about losing a baby
  • A poem, quote or words of wisdom which you found comfort in
  • Suggestions for ways to support those experiencing loss
  • Places you found support
  • Or anything else which you think might be helpful, this is just a list of suggestions to get you thinking.

Submissions can be emailed to burnettmc at gmail dot com.

One Comment

  1. SquiggleMum says:

    This will be such a very special space online Christie. xx

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