And Exhale

This past weekend I took a deep, deep breath… and exhaled. I feel like I have been holding my breath for way too long.

I knew it would be a busy start to the yearImmy starting kindy, a book manuscript due, pregnant and along the way an impromptu kitchen renovation thrown in for good luck (what were we thinking?!?!)

Despite my second trimester feelings of invincibility, it has been a stretch, especially as I moved well and truly into the third trimester. And I have absolutely no interest in ever being that busy again.

The past three months have been less than perfect but we got through it. Immy loves kindy, the manuscript has been submitted, the kitchen is 9/10ths of the way there and we still (hopefully) have three or four weeks until we welcome our much anticipated, newest family member.

Thanks to bloggers like me who primarily focus on the positive, I know that it can sometimes feel like blogland is filled with perfect mothers who juggle it all without dropping a single ball but I can truly say that I dropped many balls during the past three months. I had too. To get through, I just had to compromise, accepting that I could not do everything, concentrating instead on what was the most important priority for each, individual moment in time. It was the only way I found to stay sane.

I can tell you that …

  • I have not showered everyday. And many days I stayed in my pjs. All day.
  • The living areas of our home are extremely dusty right now (as sort of happens when floors are being ripped up and walls torn down). Not the surfaces we eat off or sit upon but things like bookshelves and cabinets need some serious attention. The study door needs to remain firmly shut until I feel I can deal with it. The waiting-to-be-folded washing pile was out of control until Sunday just past. There is a lot of ‘stuff’ that need re-homing back to where it belongs. The nursery is still a completely blank canvas. My ironing board has been living in my lounge room for way too long (and somehow this is probably the one that bothers me most, go figure?)
  • My hair is so overdue for a cut and colour that it is not funny. My fringe hangs past my nose and my roots no longer look like roots, instead it just looks like I have some sort of balayage effect going on with light ends!
  • We are seriously overdue to catch up with a whole host of friends and family. I cannot tell you how many playdates and social events we have had to skip in the past three months.
  • My email inbox is set to implode with messages requiring action (sorry if one of them is from you) and the blog has been left to wait more often than I would have liked.

These things have just had to wait. To get through I instead needed to concentrate on what was most important to us, things like…

  • Prioritising the needs of our family of three and a half, not the chores or our stuff, both of which can wait.
  • Immy getting off to kindy on each school day un-rushed, in a clean uniform and with a home packed lunchbox.
  • Making sure that we all (but especially me) continued to eat and drink well. I have never drunk so much water in my life as I have these past few weeks. I tried to keep the cupboard well stocked with healthier snack choices and we have eaten quick and simple but fresh meals.
  • Keeping the playroom and our bedrooms as sanctuaries away from the builders noise and mess so that we all had spaces to retreat to as we needed.
  • Both Dad 101 and I love bombing the small girl whenever we can so that she has not felt my ‘absence’ as keenly.
  • Setting small work goals for each day but keeping these flexible and not punishing myself when my goals were unreached.
  • Resting whenever I needed to, which has been essential to being able to keep going.

And there is absolutely no way that I could have finished any of it without an incredible husband who has been going into work early so that he can come home early to help organise dinner, get the dishes done and get the small girl bathed and into bed, my parents who fed us when we had no kitchen, gave me somewhere to rest when the enormity of it all became to much, and helped out with Immy as much as they could, and a good friend who has been available at a moments notice to have Immy over to play with her girls when the going really got tough.

I am thankful for all that I have, the opportunities I have been given, the people in our lives… and now also, the time and space to breathe freely again.

{Image source}


  1. Hi Christie, I found myself holding my breath reading that!!! I’m glad you’ve taken the time & more that’s needed to focus on the priorities of one little one inside & a bigger girl outside. Wishing you well as you continue the journey to meet your little one. My DD is having her “surprise” baby after 11 years since last one sometime in next 2 weeks. Much love Denyse x

  2. Sounds to me like you’re living a ‘perfect’ life. I’ve never seen why we equate perfection with an immaculate house or child. Yes there is a need for order but is anyone feeling unloved because the ironing board lives in the lounge or occasionally you have to shut a few doors before you allow visitors in. Good on you for keeping it real!

  3. I really admire you Christie. So glad you’re getting the chance to exhale finally. xxxx

  4. SquiggleMum says:

    Keep breathing my beautiful friend. xx

  5. Oh such a great reminder! I have been having a manic day and my “breathe time” was just 5 minutes to check blogs LOL

  6. Well done on getting through that!! We have had a mini-version of that the last two months culminating on Sunday (little boy birthday, husband’s major assignments due, end of way too much work for me, etc etc) and it is lovely to be able to breathe a little better – and your version was a hundred times more hectic! Now it sounds you can spare a few extra moments to look forward to the huge excitement of #2. Hope he/she doesn’t come early for you and you manage to get all the essentials finished 🙂

  7. You have the right attitude through such a busy period Christie!! As you say, something has to give and if shelves aren’t dusted or ironing hasn’t been done for some time, that okay 🙂 I have to remind myself of this all the time with two little ones. Wishing you a restful remainder of your pregnancy and some special time with Immy over the school holidays xx

  8. Looks just like my story! I’m still waiting to exhale, though. To be honest, I just want to deliver this baby (not due for 11 more weeks… *sigh*) and get my normal life back on track. Ha, normal, what’s that? I’m dealing with some sort of depression too, which isn’t helping at all.
    Prioritising, yup. Cleaning up after remodeling, a work in progress. Taking care of myself and our family, eating as healthy as I can, certainly. Looking for a fastforward-button, absolutely!

  9. Oh Christie, you’re right, housework can wait – they’ll always be there. The school holidays have just started and I think I felt much more in control when it wasn’t the school holidays. I think I do need some kind of routine in place for me to feel like things are going smoothly. Right now feeling quite unmotivated to do anything. On the positive side, at least the kids are old enough to grab themselves some food for breakfast and lunch. 🙂

  10. Well done Christie 🙂 Sometimes I feel like torching that waiting-to-be-folded pile, don’t you? I took a photo of it once when it started to resemble a tower.

  11. jenny @ let the children play says:

    You go ahead and exhale and be gentle and kind to yourself in the few weeks you have left before the baby arrives – even if it means staying in your PJs all day (I put mine on at 330pm this afternoon!).

  12. I always get so much from your posts (even if, like you, I don’t get to have showers at times, haven’t had a haircut in a year, and I only dust when people come round… actually I don’t even manage to do it then)… I like that you use the word ‘unrushed’ for going to kindy. I try and not rush my two when they’re off in the morning, because it’s not nice to be nagged, but try as I may I find myself nagging my eldest to do one thing and then the next so we can get out on time. Better planning, I think, may be key. Anyway, so glad to hear that you’re less busy now. Enjoy the next few weeks…

  13. :: hands over a cup of tea and a good book ::

    time for you to have a rest lovely.

    You have done great and thank goodness for family and friends able to support us in our times of stress, they are worth their weight in gold.

  14. Love reading your blog and loved it even more when i read it tonight and realised we are all normal struggling or juggling to keep up with our busy lives! I feel much better too knowing that my nursery is not ready- with 9 weeks to go! Even though i was slightly panicked after a dream lastnight where the baby came early and my hubby had to stay home to finish the floor! I am also going to try and drink more water! Keep up the good work!

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