Fairy Tale Spin-A-Story Story Starters

Looking for a fun way to encourage your students’ story writing attempts? Look no further than our Fairy Tale Spin-a-Story Story Starters! Available as a fun, free printable this is a cool way for children to generate their own fairy tale inspired writing prompts.

Fairy tale story starters

Fairy Tale Spin-a-Story Starters

Great for students in grades 3-6, the story starters pack includes two Spin-a-Story pages.

Each includes an opportunity for students to spin three narrative story elements – a main character, setting and problem. Each of these story elements features six different options and these are unique to each page. That is over 300 possible Halloween creative story writing combinations!

How to Use Our Spin-A-Story Pages

To use, provide each of your students with a printed copy of one page of the document and a paper clip.

Students use the paper clip and the tip of their pencil to create a DIY spinner. As they spin each story element – character, setting and problem, there is space provided for them to record each element in the corresponding box. Then they are ready to start writing their very own fairy tale.

Fairy tale story starters

Use with Younger Children

For those working with younger children the spin-a-story pages are also wonderful for developing oral storytelling skills. Simply spin each story element in the same way you would to write a story, and then have fun telling a story that combines the chosen character, setting and problem.

Tips for Download & Printing : Fairy Tale Story Starter

Click below to download. Save the PDF to your computer.

Printing Tips

  • Open the PDF to print the pages you require.
  • When printing, select “Fit to printable area” (or similar) to ensure the page fits with your printer type and local paper size.

Having trouble accessing or downloading the file? Please try a different internet browser.
Please note: All Childhood 101 printables are for personal use only, you may not use any part of this content for commercial purposes-that includes selling the document, giving it away to promote your business or website, or printing the file to sell. You may not share, loan or redistribute these documents. Teachers may use multiple copies for students in their own classroom.

More Fairy Tale Learning Resources

For more fairy tale resources, check out these related posts;

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