Energy Boosting Tips for Busy Mamas

In the daily juggle to get everything done and keep everyone happy, I often find my own energy levels flagging, especially by mid afternoon. Sometimes this will be because I haven’t had enough sleep (especially with a new baby in the house), other times it is from being stuck indoors (or worse, stuck on the computer working), and often times it is because I just haven’t eaten well enough throughout the day. Here are five ways that I endeavour to overcome the energy slump in an effort to make the most of each day…

#1 Be Prepared: One thing I learnt last year when I quit sugar was how important it was to be prepared for those times of day when the sugar craving was most likely to hit. In order to change my habit of reaching for chocolate to get over the mid-afternoon hump, I had to make sure that I had alternative, sugar free snacks ready and waiting. Knowing your own body and recognising when you are most likely to feel the energy slump can help you to be prepared with a plan to boost your energy level straight back up again.

#2 Eat Well: I need to eat small, regular meals and healthy snacks throughout the day to keep my energy levels on an even keel. I try to always have a good breakfast, including both protein and carbohydrates and I know that if I keep the fridge and cupboard stocked with healthy, easy, appealing snack food choices then I am more likely to eat well through the day. Some of the snacks that I regularly eat are;

  • Fresh fruit – I have recently rediscovered bananas after not really being a banana fan for many years!
  • Frozen berries
  • Dip and crackers
  • Toast (with a range of toppings)
  • Dried fruit

And if I have more time and motivation, or want to involve Immy in the process;

#3 Get Hydrated: I remember the first time Lucy of Diminishing Lucy responded to my tweet about feeling tired mid-afternoon with the suggestion that I drink more water. Even if I feel like much more like a coffee, I will now drink a large glass of water first and then wait to see if I still need that coffee ten minutes later. And I know that a glass of water and a snack from the list above are much better for me than coffee and chocolate.

#4 Move: Pop the kids in the pram and go for a walk, turn on some music and dance, head outside and play a good, old fashioned game of chasey or hide and seek – our bodies are made to move but our modern day lifestyles often see us spending much of our time being still. Even when it is the last thing I feel like doing, I know that getting outside for a walk and some fresh air is going to perk me up much more than slouching on the couch.

#5 Wash It Away: Having a shower or even just washing your face can provide a refreshing pick me up, and often makes me feel like a whole new woman 😉

Please note: These suggestions are based on my research and experiences as a Mum, they do not constitute professional health advice.

What is your #1 suggestion for boosting flagging energy levels? Do you have any healthy snack suggestions?

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  1. Those are all the things i know and need – being prepared and having snacks on hand helps – dips and crackers and veggies have been a big thing for me in recent months – no excuse for skipping a snack or meal when i have those on hand

    1. Thanks, Deb, being prepared really does make all the difference 🙂

  2. Lisa Off the Couch Kids says:

    A smoothie followed by a walk works for me and can’t agree more on #3 staying hydrated.

    1. Getting outdoors with the girls lifts my spirits straight away, Lisa 🙂

  3. Christie, Thanks for sharing all of these great tips that I know work. Instead I often fall into the trap of eating sugary foods to get me through the next 1/2 hour only to feel more tired a little later.

    Sounds like being prepared is the key. Plus I’ve always been terrible at drinking water. I’ve just poured myself a big glass to drink while I get a bit of computer work done.

    1. You are going to need to make the most of lots of energy saving tips in the next few months, Jackie 🙂 I hope you are feeling well x

  4. Oh I know that chocolate craving all too well. Love your tips Christie and so inspired by your sugar free alternatives. I love my tea whenever I feel like I need a pick me up. (I also need to remember to drink loads of water and not just tea). xoxo P

    1. I am a big tea drinker too, Pauline, but recently had to give up caffeine as part of an elimination diet for AJ. I had the worst headache for two whole days!

  5. doTERRA essential oils have helped me too. Peppermint is a good wake-me-up oil and any citrus is a good way to enliven your mood.

  6. A little yoga. The laying on the mat part at the start usually gets me to do a little more. Even if it’s 10-15 minutes a day it helps a lot. Note: usually only done when the little one is at school 🙂 Also herbal tea, and cutting out caffeine. By the way, i think bananas can make you sleepy, but are awesome snacks.

    1. I have heard that about bananas, Hula, but figured that they were still better than chocolate 🙂 I would love to learn yoga as I can imagine it provides a wonderful energy boost.

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