Making the Most of Your Visit to the Playground

playground play ideas

Visits to the park or playground have been a constant in our lives since Immy was a small bub. Back then it was more about us getting out of the house, usually to meet up with friends from our mother’s group (hi girls!) so that we (the adults) could debrief this whole new experience that was parenting. Nowadays we still head to the playground for a change of scenery and to meet up with friends but these days it is a lot more about the children 🙂

One thing that I have found useful, especially for extended playground visits, is to have some additional toys packed to take with us. I have a small collection of open weave bags that are perfect (at least for smaller items) for this very purpose as a quick shake and any sand or dirt falls right out. And with everything together in a bag it only takes a second to pop it into the car or into the basket under the pram.

Here are 7 easy suggestions for what to take along to extend the playground fun…

1. Sand play toys

2. Chunky chalk for pavement drawing

3. Doll and pram

playground ideas

4. Plastic figurines or vehicles – a great way to give new life to those pesky takeaway toys that are usually discarded after just a few minutes, with the added bonus that if a few go missing you are not going to be too bothered.

5. An egg carton for sorting treasures found on a nature hunt around the park. See Tricia’s post here for inspiration.

6. Hula hoop, ball or a skipping rope

7. Plastic tea set

What do you take along to the playground to extend the playtime fun?

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  1. Food, water, my boys and their bikes. These are pretty much the only things ever required.

  2. Great list. The only things I would add to the list are bubble mix and wand and our mini micro scooters which go everywhere with us!
    Where did you get the net bags (I end up bringing half the sand pit/beach home with us in our current coles green bag solution)?


  3. Jo @countrylifeexperiment says:

    We often take bubble blowing stuff too. Also razor scooters (great because they fold up and hang on the handle of the pram). We have also taken magnifying glasses to do some detective work, and random plastic containers to collect the “treasure” we find. In the summer water guns are also fun!

  4. Great ideas-especially the bags!!! Thanks for sharing!
    We take sports equipment like a frisbee or ball to throw around especially for our bigger children but we’ve been doing that since they were little and they still love it. Sometimes we’ve taken a kite to fly or some cardboard to slide down the big grassy hill at our local park. I keep a box of zip lock bags and a marker in our car’s glovebox so the kids can collect nature treasures to take home and put on our nature table.
    Love trips to the park and playground!!!
    Lusi 🙂

    1. Oooh, we have a park with a hill nearby so I will have to pack some cardboard next time we go 🙂 Thank you for the inspiration, Lusi.

  5. We usually take a ball or two, a picnic rug and snacks, and a treasure bag or two for all that nature collecting that goes on. My boys are into tree climbing so mum has to take her camera and we nearly always play a game of hide and seek before we come home – this involved mummy counting to thirty while my little boys disappear to hide in the bushes – nearly always the same spot (which is thankfully in the direction of home)!

  6. Chunky chalk for pavement drawing is a great idea! I always feel a little messy letting Little Eco draw on our footpath – but letting her draw at the park solves that problem. Thanks. And thanks for the link love. We still use the egg carton sorting game all the time. x t

  7. Thanks for the ideas! Bubbles is a must. Also, insect catchers…and of course the camera!

  8. Thank you for ideas! Question – where do you find those mesh zipper bags? That sounds like a great idea for sand toys!!

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