10 Tips for Cultivating a Happy Home
I’m a lover of lists. Give me a to-do list with its own little tick box and I am blissfully happy. I especially like to start my list with a really simple task, like have a cup of tea, just to get some momentum. With three little ladies on the go, being a Mumma, a wife and someone who loves my job, it’s hard not to get swept up with all the busy that comes with living, which is why it can be important to put the most important items on your list – those things that really matter to your family, like cultivating peace and happiness. Here are ten ways to get started!
1. Pyjama days…have them and have them often.  They allow the little people in our home to potter, explore and be free.  I adore the days when we can ditch schedules and clocks.
2. Fun is important to happiness. Ever swing on a swing, roll down a grassy hill with your little one or giggle until you can’t remember what you were giggling about?
3. One of the best ways to makes yourself happy is to make others happy. Ring a friend who you haven’t spoken to for a while, buy someone flowers, smile at a stranger, give out hugs.
4. Less is more. De-clutter your home. I love a good clean out, whether it’s the junk draw in the kitchen, a wardrobe, or the pile of paper work taking over the bench top, there is something therapeutic about getting rid of unwanted clutter.
5. Wake up before the little people in your home (unless they wake before 6am). My favourite time of day is the quiet in our home before everyone stirs. A relaxing cup of tea and moment to rest the mind before the busy begins.
6. The days are long but the years are short. Don’t wish it over. I found myself caught in this trap, wishing the teething stage would end, the waking for night feeds, the clingy stage, the busy of Kinder and discovered very fast that the next stage is just around the corner. Remember the here and now because time moves quickly.
7. Celebrate the silly. Sing, dance, jump around like a monkey, find your inner child.
8. Make your bed. Makes climbing into it all the more sweeter.
9. Sleep is important.  Grab onto whatever sleep time you can. Nap in the afternoon when your little one is sleeping, switch of earlier at night.
10. Surround yourself with people that make you happy.
What makes your little home a happy one? Do you have a tip you can share?
Our home is a mixture of chaos, laughter, clutter, mess, love and silliness….it is perfectly imperfect. Kellie is muma to three girls on a quest to bring a little happiness to others. They’ve set about creating 1000 little origami homes to set free and delight those who serendipitously stumble upon them. Each home has a special message to make the receiver smile. We hope you find one.
heres to PJ days and enjoying the crazy with people who make you happy! what an awesome list!!
I certainly agree with the therapeutic effect of cleaning out a jumbled junk drawer. I wish I was a morning person, I was always so envious of people like my dear departed mother in law who used to get up early to open the windows to let the morning in. How true are your words that the days are long but the years are short.
My youngest of 6 is almost 15 now and I can’t believe where the time has gone but, well remember some of those interminably long days. At least I can assure my daughter that when she feels the day with her children will never end, that she should just hug them and play with them and before she turns around they will be grown up.
A great list, Kell. No surprise to see that you are on top of all the things that matter most. Number 6 is the one I am no good at… I am working on it. x
I love the idea of pj days but I just can’t do 5… I need to stay in bed as long as possible!
I’ve been thinking about No. 6 quite a lot lately. Looking at my two girls growing up (18 months and 4 years) and wondering where that times has gone. With the second child, time is moving a little faster than I’d like it to.
Such a beautiful list though. Just reading it makes me smile. x
Perfect, fun and actually manageable list! Except for the bed making part… it just gets messed up again as the kids can’t seem to keep themselves away from playing in a made bed.
What beautiful ideas. Love them. Number 6 is so so so true. My baby is now 4!! Some days I wonder how we got here. One day I was blurry eyed and tired out with my newborns babies – and now 2 are at school and 1 at kinder!!!!
Lots of good things on this list. I do love a good junk clean out (but unfortunately all my boys love bringing in more!). I also love to be up before everyone for a quiet cuppa but unfortunately I have early risers so that is out for me at the moment – I just have to remember number 6 – because I’m sure I will miss that when I have to drag them all out to get them to school in a few short years!
This is an awesome list! I love each and every single tip you provided, especially number two and seven! These are sure to create great memories and bonds that will last a lifetime! Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you so much for saying so, Caryle