Small World Dinosaur Play

This post was first published in September, 2011.

Immy is currently very interested in dinosaurs so I thought that creating a small world play scene together would provide a fun space for her to re-enact much of the information that she has been gathering through the exploration of her interest. When I suggested the idea to her, Immy’s first request was that the small world include a cave!

Making a Small World Play Scene for Dinosaur Play

Small world dinosaur play from Childhood 101

So our version of a rocky outcrop cave was created by moulding alfoil into a cave shape and covering it in coloured modelling clay which we rolled out into a thin sheet. We added some small rocks and mounted everything ontoa  thick box cardboard (thank goodness for hot glue guns).

Small world dinosaur play from Childhood 101

We placed the cave into a low sided, plastic tub (the sort made to fit under beds) and added grass (fake turf), a waterfall (fabric), trees (made from dolly pegs, paper and modelling clay), various rocks and some of our tree blocks.

Small world dinosaur play from Childhood 101

This small world play scene would also work well with a variety of animal, insect or amphibian figurines, or even with fairies, pixies and elves.

You’ll find more about the wonderful world of play scenes in Kate‘s article, An Introduction to Using Play Scenes, in issue one of Play Grow Learn.

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  1. I love this idea! My 2 1/2 year old is currently obsessed with dinosaurs! She has all of the 1 dollar Target aisle dinosaurs and knows what kind they are. We will definitely add this to our to do list! Thanks for the great idea:)

  2. Kate @ Puddles and Gumboots says:

    So cute! My four year old is dinosaur mad and we’re often making dinosaur habitats, but we haven’t done one with a cave. Will definitely have to do that next time 🙂

  3. Absolutely fantastic. It is very creative. My 3 year old will love this. He has been asking lots of questions about dinosaurs and is particularly interested in why they are extinct. I find it a bit difficult to explain. Any suggestions for books that go over this, aimed at an early age group? I have my brothers old books but they are better suited to an over 10 age group….

    1. I don’t know of any specific books that I would recommend, Gill, but I do like the DK brand/range of non fiction books for younger children. I am sure that they would have dinosaurs in their collection and a google search should help you seek them out 🙂

    2. Paula perry says:

      There is a great cartoon series called dinosaur train, I’m sure in The US (I’m in Taiwan) you’ll find books from that series. Also Harry and the bucketful of dinosaurs are great books for fun adventures with dinosaurs. DK do have a book but it’s intended for older kids. I just pick out bits to read from it and make it’s a little easier and shorter for the attention span of my four year old. My kid also Loves wee sing dinosaurs. I love it too as I learnt how to say all the names, she now knows at least 20 and I do too!! Enjoy learning.

  4. Perfection!!! Love the cave!!

  5. Hi Christie, lucky Immy! but where do you buy fake turf from in smaller lengths? And does the plasticene stay stuck to the alfoil? Thanks 🙂

    1. We bought a metre or two of fake turf from a large hardware chain, Louise and I have cut it into smaller pieces. I am not sure that the plasticine is stuck to the alfoil but it certainly hasn’t moved at all. I did have to glue the cave down though as the plasticine was quite heavy (even when rolled quite thin) which caused the shape to distort when it wasn’t glued down.

  6. Paula perry says:

    I love it. My daughter is obsessed with dinosaurs so I can’t wait to make her a place for them to play. You could add a section for digging up dinosaur bones too.

  7. Felicakes says:

    I am learning a lot through your blog Christie. I love your small world series. I am planning to do one for my daughter as well who is interested in farm animals at the moment.

  8. Love the cave. Thanks for another great idea we have so many toy dinosaurs laying around I think a home made dimorama is in order.

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