3D Paper Folded Christmas Tree Card for School Aged Kids

This paper folded Christmas tree provides a fun Christmas craft challenge for school aged children, and the neat 3D effect makes it the perfect addition to the front of a Christmas card.

Like our Pop Up Christmas Tree Card, this card takes a little more fine motor skill and concentration to complete independently which is why I am suggesting it works best with children in third grade and up.

3D Paper Folded Christmas Tree Craft for School Aged Kids

Paper Folded Christmas Tree Card For Kids

You will need:

  • Coloured  craft paper
  • Paper glue
  • Scissors
  • Glitter
  • Card stock
  • Pencil
  • Ruler

To make:

1. Place a square piece of paper diagonally in front of you.

Paper Christmas tree craft

2. Fold the paper in half to form a triangular shape.

Paper Christmas tree craft for school aged kids

Make a series of diagonal cuts, roughly one centimetre apart, on the open side of the triangle (as shown in the image above). Be careful NOT to cut all the way through the closed side.

3. Open the paper back up.

Paper Christmas tree craft idea

4. Apply glue on the middle of the paper.

Paper Christmas tree craft idea for school aged kids

5. Now take the first strip of paper from the bottom and bring it on the middle and glue it there. Be careful not to crush the folded edge or you will lose the 3D effect of the tree.

Christmas tree paper craft for school aged kids

6. Then take the first bottom strip from the opposite side and bring it on the middle and glue it over the previous strip. Apply this method to all of the strips until you reach the top.

Christmas tree paper craft idea for school aged kids

7. Turn the tree over and decorate with glitter glues, small stickers or stick-on gems.

Christmas tree paper craft

9. Cut out a paper star for the top of the tree and decorate with glitter. Alternatively, use a craft foam star.

Christmas tree paper crafts

10. Glue the star on the stop of the tree.

Christmas tree paper crafts for school aged kids

11. Take a small piece of brown paper and cut out a pot for your tree to sit in.

Christmas tree crafts for school aged kids

12. Glue the pot to the bottom of the tree.

Christmas craft ideas for school aged kids

13. Take a  piece of cardstock and fold it in half.

Christmas crafts for school aged kids

14. Take the Christmas tree and glue it to the front of the card.

Christmas crafts for school

Done! Now invite children to add a message to the inside of the card and it will be all ready to spread some holiday cheer with family or friends.

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