{Play & Learn} Links for Creative Play

Self initiated creative play: Immy creates an underwater world for her miniature sea creature figurines complete with seaweed and coral directly on the tabletop with Colorix Silky Crayons.

March is Playful Learning month at Childhood 101 and each Sunday I will share a series of interesting links related to one type of play…starting today with creative play;

“(What if) we defined creativity as the ability to see things and express ourselves in a unique way, the ability to find interesting solutions to problems, the ability to streamline a process to become more efficient. Are these not all ways of being creative? And are they not highly sought after skills in our modern day world?

Children are creative individuals. Instead of stomping out or putting on hold their creativity in favour of academics, adults should embrace the creativity of a child as a manner of engaging them in play and in learning.”

Read more: Supporting Children Who Like to Play Creatively

Play & Learning Links for all sorts of Creative Play

100s of play ideas for children


  1. I adore this Christie. I don’t know why I never thought of drawing a habitat for Miss Possum and using our animals to fill it. So brilliant!

    1. I can take absolutely no credit for it, Penny, it was all Immy’s idea 🙂

  2. Renee @ adventures at home with mum says:

    Thank you kindly christie for linking to my story stone post 🙂

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