Printable Christmas Games: Christmas Who Am I?

This fun Who Am I? game features a range of well known characters from Christmas stories, books and movies.

Printable Christmas Games: Christmas Who Am I?

The printable  set ofgame cards includes a range of 32 Christmas characters from traditional holiday stories, beloved Christmas books and popular Christmas movies. If there are characters your children are unfamiliar with, simply remove those cards from the game before beginning play. I have also included a page of blank cards so that you can add any of your own family’s favourite holiday characters.

Looking for more Christmas games? Click through to see our full list of Printable Christmas Games.

Christmas Who Am I? Guessing Game

Printable Christmas Games: Christmas Who Am I?
Character Cards Sample. See below to print.

For 2 or more players.

You will need:

  • A loop of elastic to fit around each player’s head
  • A set of character cards (see below), printed onto photo paper or cardstock and laminated for durability

To play:

1. Shuffle the cards and place them on a stack face down in the middle of the table.

2. Each player selects a card from the stack and tucks it into their elastic headband (facing outwards) without looking at it. Now everyone can see which card each player has, except their own.

3. Starting with the youngest player and proceeding clockwise around the table, take turns to ask one question about the character card on your head as you try to figure out which character is featured on your card. For example, players might ask – am I male or female? Am I a character in a movie? Am I human? Do I have a red nose? etc

The other players answer with yes or no.

4. When a player feels confident that they can identify their character, they may take a guess on their turn. The first person to identify their character is the winner of that round. The other players can then keep taking turns to ask questions about their card until all characters have been identified.

5. Once a round is complete, players each choose a new card from the pile and start play again.

6. The player who is the first to correctly identify five characters is the winner.

Click here to download your game cards: Christmas Who Am I? . Save the PDF to your computer. Open the PDF and print. When printing, select “Fit to printable area” (or similar) to ensure the page fits with your printer type and local paper size. For durability, print onto matte photo paper or lightweight cardstock and laminate. Personal, non commercial use only.

RELATED: For more family friendly games, check out our collection of 21 Christmas Party Games for Kids (and their families!)

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One Comment

  1. Love this game! We played last year and it was awesome for the young and old!

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