DIY Kids: Puppet Stand

On the weekend, Dad 101 got busy with a quick and easy project that has been on my to do list for a little while now.

A piece of wood (ours is 42cms x 20cm), a broomstick cut into seven lengths and seven screws…

… became a puppet stand. An easy way to organise our theatrical friends!

Do your children like to play with puppets?

Check out these previous puppet play posts;


  1. Michelle oorschot says:

    Fantastic article, great info and links

  2. Hey, Christie–
    I just saw your comment on my post with the butterfly collage tutorial. Thank you for your kind words, and of course–you are welcome to link to the tutorial. I’ve just clicked around on your blog & I’m so intrigued. I’m also trained as an early childhood educator. I’ve loved the overlap between my professional training and my years as a mama to little ones.
    Can’t wait to explore your website a bit more. Looks like some wonderful content!
    Take care,
    bright eyes + blue eyes

    1. Thank you for your kind comment, Abbie, and for letting me use your tutorial on Playopedia 🙂

  3. We’ve recently stumbled across some animal puppets that are so life like and my children love them. We play with our puppets a lot – a perfect activity for my three children to enjoy together. I can make up stories and include songs which holds the attention of my four, two and one year old.

    I like the clever storage idea you have come up with for your puppets – it makes it an ideal way to keep them out, on display and always ready to play with.

    1. Your puppets sound fabulous, Elise. We play with puppets a lot here as well and I love your suggestion about how great puppets are for three children of different ages.

  4. Can you send your dad over my way to make me one:) I love it!

    1. Thank you for including the link and I think that your puppet storage idea is a fantastic one 🙂

  5. Cool idea. I’m thinking of making a puppet theatre with the kids too. Reckon that will be fun! x

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