Holidays Around the World for Kids Interactive Notebook & Lap Book

With many students excitedly counting down to the holidays, this is the perfect time to engage children in learning about holidays celebrated around the world, and this free, printable Holidays Around the World interactive notebook or lapbook set provides a wonderful link to literacy learning (download instructions available at the bottom of this post).

Holidays Around the World for Kids printable

Holidays Around the World for Kids Interactive Notebook & LapBook

The set includes six celebrations from around the world;

  • Diwali – India
  • St Lucia Day – Europe
  • Las Posadas – Latin America
  • Hanukkah – Jewish
  • Kwanzaa – African American, and
  • Chinese New Year – Asia

RELATED: Pair your notebook or lapbook with a book or two from our popular Christmas Around the World Booklist.

With the printable pack including;

1. A cover page to decorate

Holidays Around the World for kids printable

2. A series of six holiday-specific flip flap pages, each containing flip flaps describing the What, When and Where of each holiday.

Celebrations around the world interactive notebook

Holidays around the world for kids lap book

3. A ‘Where is this Holiday From?’ world map to label with each holiday.

Celebrations around the world for kids interactive notebook

4. A Compare & Contrast Venn Diagram writing prompt.

Celebrating Holidays Around the World printable


How to Create Your Flapbook/Interactive Notebook

You will need:
• A printed copy of the notebook/lapbook pages. These can be printed onto white or coloured paper.
• Cardboard file folder or notebook/workbook
• Pencils or markers
• Glue
• Scissors

Prepare the File Folder: If using a cardboard file folder, open the folder flat on a firm surface and then fold in each side of the folder to meet at the middle. Score the folded edge well.

Holidays Around the World for kids

Create the Cover: Decorate each item with pencils or markers. Cut each item out and glue onto the front of the file folder or the first page of your notebook.

Create Flip Flaps: There are six flip flaps (one for each holiday) included in the printable, each with four layers. Cut out the four layers for the first holiday and glue them together, using the area above the dotted line as a guide for the glue. Decorate the top flap featuring the holiday title. Paste the completed flip flap inside your lapbook (paste three holidays neatly inside each side of the front cover flaps you created when folding the file folder) or across two pages of your notebook (you should easily fit three holiday flip flaps onto each page of a Letter or A4 sized notebook). Repeat for each of the six featured holidays.

Holidays Around the World for kids

Holidays Around the World Mapping Activity: Cut out the ‘Holidays Around the World’ banner and glue it to the top of the middle portion of the lapbook or at the top of a new page in your notebook. Then, cut out the square containing the world map and glue it underneath the title banner.

Compare & Contrast Activity: Glue the Compare & Contrast page to the back of the lapbook file folder or onto a new page in your notebook.

Holidays Around the World Mapping Activity: Cut out the ‘Holidays Around the World’ banner and glue it to the top of the middle portion of the lapbook or at the top of a new page in your notebook. Then, cut out the square containing the world map and glue it underneath the title banner.

Compare and Contrast Activity: Glue the Compare & Contrast page to the back of the lapbook file folder or onto a new page in your notebook.

Printing Instructions: Holidays Around the World for Kids

Click here to download: Holidays Around the World Lapbook/Interactive Notebook . Save the PDF to your computer. Open the PDF and print the pages you require. When printing, select “Fit to printable area” (or similar) to ensure the page fits with your printer type and local paper size.
Having trouble accessing or downloading the file? Please try a different internet browser.
Please note: All Childhood 101 printables are for personal use only, you may not use any part of this content for commercial purposes-that includes selling the document, giving it away to promote your business or website, or printing the file to sell. You may not share, loan or redistribute these documents. Teachers may use multiple copies for students in their own classroom.

For a comprehensive resource for planning for you classroom, homeschool, or community group, pair this activity with;

• Our Celebrations Around the World Calendar 2022 lists 122 different holidays and celebrations from countries and cultures all over the world to provide you with even more choice of days to research or explore with your students.

• Our collection of free, printable Holidays Around the World Worksheets.

• Our collection of six Christmas Around the World Worksheets exploring how Christmas is celebrated in countries all across the globe.

• Our Around the World in 40 Books booklist shares a fabulous collection of stories representing different countries and cultures from all over the world.