Kids Art: Simple Outlines
There has been an awful lot of drawing around our hands going on lately. Immy loves drawing around my hand and is always asking me to draw around hers.
Our recent decision to draw big worked so well that I asked Immy if she would like to draw on a roll of paper across the floor and she instantly asked me to draw around her body.
She added the face, belly button and toes (which you can’t see) and asked me to draw the hair.
This then led her to the idea of drawing around her toys, resulting in an impromptu matching game.
I wonder where our outline drawing will take us next… any ideas???
We've done everything thats safe in the kitchen drawers, leaves, our feet, toys….its endless. Great to see her having fun this way.
I draw around our hands several times a day too!
Maybe outside might be the place to go and explore. Different leaves could make great outlines and a matching activity. You could also paint the leaves and then use them as stamps. Immy could then match the outline to the stamped leaf print.
leaf or coin rubbings?
Drawing on fabric and making into softies (we are just finishing some Gruffalo/Mouse ones)
drawing on shrinky dinks plastic and making into necklaces/brooches
getting a pic from a mag of a face or animal head. Cut in half and glue onto paper – draw the missing half
Great ideas. You could try self-made stencils made out of plastic lids too.
This is a great idea. My 2 yo has a sticker book that has just the outlines of the stickers. He has trouble matching the stickers to the outlines. I think this activity would help him learn the concept of that kind of matching. Thanks so much!