Our Family Memory Bank #2: Visit Somewhere New

During our recent summer holiday from school I decided that instead of sticking to all of our old, familiar (but still lots of fun) haunts for outings we would try to visit at least one new place per week.

I can’t tell you how glad I am about that decision.

Things to do as a family: Visit somewhere new

We visited playgrounds that had been on our ‘must see’ list for ages. And others on the spur of the moment that were just as fun.

We had fabulous picnics.

We visited the museum and art gallery.

We ate gelato from a van.

We explored new beaches.

We went for walks in the evenings along streets in our neighbourhood that we had never explored before.

We even found a starfish!

As a family we made so many new discoveries and we really connected – being out of the house, away from chores and screen based distractions, and having fun spending time together.

But you don’t need to be on vacation for this principle to work. My Our Family Memory Bank challenge to you is to find time this month or next to visit somewhere new as a family. So grab your calendar now and schedule it in. You can even leave a comment on this post to tell me when you have scheduled your adventure and where you are headed and I will check in with you to see how you did.

I promise you won’t regret it 🙂

Our family memory bank - making the most of the journey

Share your adventure on social media with a comment or a photo over on the Childhood 101 Facebook page or via Instagram, Twitter or G+. Just add the hashtag #ourfamilymemorybank and @childhood101 so I can be sure to follow along.

Where will you take your family for their adventure?

Read more about the Our Family Memory Bank challenge here.

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  1. We live in suburbia, and we had been planning a farm stay for a while it just happens that we are going in March, next week in fact! Master 18months has his gumboots and animal sounds ready to go.

    1. Awesome! I would love to take my girls on a farmstay, Cindy, have fun 🙂

  2. This is very exciting. We too find ourselves visiting familiar places but you have inspired me to join your challenge. When you think about it, there are so many wonderful places to choose from. Maybe I’ll start by visiting a fruit and vegetable market in the city. I think my little girl would love the hustle and bustle. LOL

  3. Cool star fish! So different to the type we get down here!
    I love the idea of challenging yourself to visit one new place a week… I think our family is stuck in a rut of visiting the same old places and doing the dame old thing! For next holidays I am going to see if we can go somewhere new!! Thanks for the inspiration

    1. That was us – completely stuck in a rut and revisiting all of the same places. New adventures are so much fun 🙂

  4. My husband just got a Racing Car driving experience for his birthday. He will be driving the racing car for 6 laps and then be driven by a real race car driver for 3 laps. We will be going to watch him, hopefully some time in March. Racing cars will be very new for my 2 girls who while they do a lot of sport, it tends to be less motorised!

    1. What a great gift and how fabulous that you all get to go along. Have fun, Jane 🙂

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