Our Play Space: Christmas Comes to the Dollhouse

Add some Christmas fun to your child’s imaginative play for the holidays!

Simple to put together, it invites hours of imaginative play.

dollhouse christmas play ideas

The garland is made from scrapbooking paper and embroidery thread.

The flashing lights are a light-up Christmas necklace that I found at the $2 shop.

The chimney is simply a small box wrapped in coloured paper onto which I drew a brick pattern. And Santa – a pipe cleaner folded in half with pants and boots cut from felt. Pretty much everything is held together or attached with thin, double sided tape.

dollhouse christmas play

The mantlepiece and stockings are made from coloured cardstock and felt.

The tree is a piece that fell off our big tree, hot glue gunned unto a drink bttle cap and decorated with sequins.

Merry Christmas Beaver family!

Do you have a child who would love a little Christmas visited upon their dollhouse? Or bat cave? Or train station? Or parking garage? Or underwater world?


  1. Margaret Elvis says:

    Christie that is so imaginative.

  2. Nicole from Mudpies & Sunshine says:

    So adorable and so creative. Well done it’s beautiful 🙂

  3. That is so gorgeous Christie….Love it:)

    Merry Christmas

  4. What a clever idea, I will have to try it out on my boys car garage.

  5. ImaginationPlay says:

    Absolutely brilliant!!! We have built a fireplace bulletin board at the preschool with a fireplace and mantel so we could hang up the stockings made by the children….I am definitely going to add one of those, Santa’s feet stuck in the chimney props. The children will roar after seeing it because on Friday we read a book about Santa getting stuck in the chimney. They got quick a kick out of the idea. So funny. Thanks for sharing as you do so wonderfully! Merry Christmas Hugs, Deborah

    1. I can imagine the children’s faces as they discover Santa stuck in the chimney on your bulletin board, Deborah 🙂

  6. Christie, my mind is now consumed with hunting down that brilliant light up Christmas necklace. Consumed! Love your work (as always). xoxo P

    1. It was from one of the cheap $2 shops, Pauline – we call it The Reject Shop here in WA 🙂

  7. Love the tree 🙂

  8. this is such a cute idea. love it.

  9. Love this Christie! It is simply brilliant and I want to come and play! The necklace is genious!

  10. Jackie @ happy hooligans says:

    I love this! So fun to add a new twist to a child’s every day activities. I’m going to have to remember to do this to our wooden dollhouse next year!

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