Popular Posts of 2011: Places for Kids to Play

This week I will be highlighting some of the most popular posts from the 350 published in 2011. Rating consistently in the popularity scales were posts sharing ideas for creating, organising and decorating kids play spaces. Posts like;

Sharing Our Kids Art Space (and the update) :: Dramatic Play in our Home Corner Play Space

kids play spaces

Our Book Corner ::  And the associated How to Make Book Cover Bunting

Tricia’s Creating Children’s Spaces in Every Corner of Your Home ::  And Cath’s Expedit-ion in Storage

kids play space

The Childhood 101 team shared their collective ideas in 14 Ways to Keep Kids Clutter Under Control ::  And the Our Play Space series inspired week after week with a peek inside a reader’s play space.

Did you have a favourite post in 2011?


  1. Jacky Atodiresei says:

    I absolutely lOve the photo with the kids corner with a white table and yellOw stick on frames on the wall. Where would I buy the stick on frames? Also where would I buy the silver rack and cup holders that is holding the coloured pencils? Please help, I’m desperate to copy this for my sons room. Thank you sO much jacky

    1. Hi Jacky, the frames are actually painted on and the other items are from Ikea. You can read more about it if you click through to the original post 🙂

  2. Kerry Morris says:

    Play space heaven. Beautiful, inpiring and creative play space ideas.

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