Saving Money on Kids Toys
This Christmas I really wanted to buy Immy a dollhouse, preferable the sturdy, wooden old fashioned kind that was loving made by hand. Unfortunately, when it comes to dollhouses, that is not what you tend to find in toy stores these days. So I decided to harness the powers of Ebay and I found the perfect one for us – simple, sturdy, wooden, handmade. In perfect condition and I paid much less than I would have if it was bought new (and no, it is not the one pictured above).
This got me thinking about other ways to save money on kids toys, not just for Christmas but at any time of the year.
1. Look on Ebay or (or whatever your local classified site is) for well cared for, preloved toys. Often you can find good quality items, in good condition for much less than you would pay for a similar item in the stores.
2. Pass on your own preloved toys from when you were growing up. I have a cloth doll which I plan to give Immy for her birthday which is from my own childhood. I know lots of parents (or grandparents) who have kept the well loved toys for future generations.
3. Sell toys that your children have outgrown or no longer use online or at a baby and children’s market. Use the cash to put back into purchasing good quality toys which will last beyond a week and then you will have something to put away for your children’s children too.
4. Visit baby and children’s markets, car boot sales, garage sales or swap meets for secondhand toys. I have a friend who scored a massive box of lego for next to nothing at a garage sale.
5. Check out your local op shops or thrift stores for books and toys. Amanda over at Busy Brissy Mum has a real knack for finding great toys at op shops, I am often jealous of her latest find!
6. Join a local toy library or find out if your normal library also lends out toys (ours has jigsaw puzzles).
7. Swap with friends.
Image Source: Hannah Louise
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Love this article. I blog at which is all about thrifty tips for families. I trhink preloved sounds much better than second hand. Your daughter will love your dolly. Merry christmaa
Great suggestions.
My girls are blessed to be the youngest of 16 cousins and we benefit with many handme down toys and much clothing.
We just did a big clean out of my girls toys and gave all the ones they had outgrown to a friend of ours who has younger children.
In the past we've given good quality toys that are still in complete sets to our local childcare centres and early intervention centres.
I'm a big believer in 'you get what you give'. We get given toys by generous family and friends so it seems to me only right that we forward on that generosity to others when we've outgrown the toys.
I love these ideas and we do most of these at our house too! we are members of a great toy library and it is a good way to try toys out and for kids to learn about borrowing and returning!!
I had already bought the big plastic dollshouse for my girls this Christmas, when a friend found a beautiful old wooden one at a ridiculous price in an antique shop. She bought it, cleaned it up, repainted it and is giving it to my girls on Christmas eve. I took back the plastic monstrosity and gladly got a refund that I spent on lovely old furniture on ebay! Win, win, win, I cannot wait to see my girl's faces this Christmas!
This blog is fab… your awesome childhoop 101 mumma!
A great place to look for child/baby furnature, is the TIP! Most tip's have sections where you can buy what people drop off… what a bargain central! We bought a cot in perfect condition for $1 and after painting it white, it was in PERFECT condition. I also picked up a nursing chair for $4 and a spare high chair to leave at mum's for $4. all in great condition. Go check out your local tip! also see my post on taking advantage of curbside collections!
Some great tips, something else I do is keep an eye out at the department and toy stores for reduced to clear items and put them away for various birthdays. I recently got a whole box with a dolls pram, cot, rocker, high chair, potty, walkie talkie (thing), a few other bits all for $18 when I originally was going to buy it had been on sale at $49.