Word Games for Kids: WORD HUNT

I am always looking for easy, playful ways for Immy to revise those high frequency words or ‘sight words‘ that we use so often when reading. This game also works well for revising word families and spelling rules, or really any set of words that a child will benefit from the additional opportunity to read! We are calling this our Word Hunt Game and this is how you play…
Word Games for Kids: Word Hunt
Sight word activities printable pack

How to Play Sight Word Word Hunt

Recommended age: This game is suitable for children who have begun the process of learning to read.

You will need:

  • A writing surface and writing implement: magna doodle, chalkboard, write-on light board, whiteboard, iPad (in a drawing app) or on paper with a pen

To play:

1. I started by writing a set of six words on the writing pad. I then gave Immy a series of verbal instructions, one at a time, and she needed to find the relevant word and follow the instruction for it. For example, if you look on the image below you can see that she has followed the following instructions;

  • Put a cross through the word ‘this’
  • Put a tick next to the word ‘some’
  • Draw a line under the word ‘have’
  • Draw a circle around the word ‘made’

Word Games: Word Hunt for beginning readers | via Childhood101

We continued until all six words had been read and marked in some way.

2. We then tried a set of words that looked more visually similar to make the game a little more tricky;

Word Games: Word Hunt for beginning readers | via Childhood101

Our drawing actions included;

  • Put a tick next to the word _______
  • Draw a circle around the word _______
  • Draw a line under the word _______
  • Draw a zig zag line under the word _______
  • Draw a heart next to the word _______
  • Draw a smiley face next to the word _______
  • Cross out the word _______
  • Draw a rectangle around the word _______

3. We continued, each taking turns to write a set of words and give the instructions. Here is one of Immy’s collections of words…

Word Games: Word Hunt for beginning readers | via Childhood101

Do you have an early reader who would enjoy our word hunt game?

Word Games: Word Hunt for beginning readers | via Childhood101

Be sure to check out this fun collection of 50 playful sight word activity ideas and our printable sight words games pack.


  1. This is so cool! My 4 year old is just learning the sound symbols and would love a similar exercise to focus on those. The glow in hue he dark element looks like it would add a lot of fun. Thanks for the idea!

  2. hi! Love the idea. I am in the UK and have never seen that writing pad before. Anyone out there seen on in the northern hemisphere. amazon throws up nothing.


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