Number Facts Games: Uno Flip

Inside: A fun, easy play number facts game with Uno cards. Great for revising addition and multiplication facts.
Math games for kids: Uno Flip for mental maths times tables and equations

So much of mastering basic math facts comes down to revision. Making that revision fun and engaging has always been important to me – as both a teacher and a parent. Which is exactly what led us to playing this simple math game – we call it Uno Flip!

Uno Flip is great for children learning about addition in the early elementary grades. It can also be played with older children revising multiplication facts.

How to Play Uno Flip

You will need:

  • The number cards from a pack of Uno cards
  • Post-it notes
  • Paper and pen/pencil or our printable Uno Flip record sheet

Recommended age: 5+ years

Math games for kids: Uno flip for number sentences

To play:

1. Write a + symbol onto a post-it note and an = symbol on a post-it note and place on the table face up to form an addition equation, leaving room for the Uno cards to sit between the symbols.

2. Divide your Uno number cards into two piles and place piles as shown in the photo above.

3. Flip over one card from each pile and place it into the addition equation.

For mental maths, say the answer out loud as quickly as you can.

To practise writing equations, write the addition sentence, including the answer, onto your sheet of paper or record your answer on our printable record sheet (download instructions can be found at the bottom of this post).

Uno Flip Math Game Addition

4. Continue to flip over two cards at a time and say or record each answer as above.

Math games for kids: Uno Flip for times tables and equations

To revise times tables with Uno flip, swap the addition symbol for a multiplication symbol. Proceed as per the mental math or written equation examples above.

Uno Flip Math Game Multiplication

Hints & Tips:

  • Adjust the difficulty level of the game by limiting the Uno cards to those containing higher or lower number values.
  • Add a level of competitiveness to the game by playing with two players competing to see who can answer to the problem first.

Math games for kids: Dice roll for number sentences

  • Don’t have Uno cards? You could also play with a pair of dice.

Download & Print Uno Flip Record Sheet

Uno Flip Printable Record Sheet

The download includes a Uno Flip addition, subtraction and multiplication record sheet.

Click here to download: Uno Flip Record Sheet . Save the PDF to your computer. Open the PDF and print the pages you require. When printing, select “Fit to printable area” (or similar) to ensure the page fits with your printer type and local paper size.
Having trouble accessing or downloading the file? Please try a different internet browser.
Please note: All Childhood 101 printables are for personal use only, you may not use any part of this content for commercial purposes-that includes selling the document, giving it away to promote your business or website, or printing the file to sell. You may not share, loan or redistribute these documents. Teachers may use multiple copies for students in their own classroom.

Looking for more fun maths games? Check out our printable collection of Multiplication Games here.

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  1. Daniela da Silva says:

    I’m studying to be a teacher… I saw on the Pinterest this site and I thought it’s amazing!!
    I’m Brazilian and my plans is: to study to be a English teacher too (of course, never leaving the childs!)
    Congrats for the site!! Kiss

  2. The Educational Tourist says:

    What a great idea! This is a great ‘on the road’ activity for keeping skills up while traveling. I love it and will link to it on my website where I write about traveling with kids and making it an educational experience! I’d love a shout out from you.

    Thanks for sharing this great idea!
    Natalie, The Educational Tourist

  3. Kelly Petersen says:

    Great idea! Any ideas on what to do with the non number cards?

  4. Pingback: Keep the Skills Up While Traveling – Math - The Educational Tourist
  5. Cool Maths says:

    Now, my kids will feel excited to try this math game. Here is really a good idea to improve their brain. The game also helps them love Math in their school much more. But it’s interesting that I will try the job as a teacher to help them learn and play.

  6. Cool Math Game says:

    It’s possible to say that Cool Math Game is considered as an good education method for kids because it helps improve the kids’s brain. It helps them become more intelligent and flexible. Beside, they will love Math at their school much more.

  7. Loved the educational twist with UNO. Thanks for the new twist to share with our kids. We plan to share your post. 🙂

  8. I just love clever ways to use things around the house. This is simple yet awesome for kids to practice math. Love this!

  9. Vijay Akuthota says:

    Very innovative way of making kids practice addition. Thanks for sharing. I came across another game called Ocean Raiders. Kids get to practice addition through an amazing undersea adventure board game. Take a look at it on amazon.

  10. Awesome idea! Gonna try this game with my kids learning addition and subtraction.

  11. You could use them for Spanish as well.
    Cinco (5) más (+) dos (2) = (iguales) siete (7) ?

  12. Pingback: Practice Academic Skills while Traveling with KIDS
  13. Thank you for benefiting from time to focus on this kind of,

  14. Pingback: Addition and subtraction – Francela Rodríguez
  15. Good idea!

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