Rainbow Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
Looking for a simple science activity for your preschool or kindergarten age child? Look no further! This Rainbow Outdoor Scavenger Hunt is so simple to prepare and do and it’s really versatile as well – easily adapted for a range of outdoor environments – from your backyard to the whole neighbourhood, a park or playground, a trip to the beach or a hike through the bush or forest.
Like our five senses nature hunt, this is a great activity for preschool and kindergarten age children and can provide a meaningful introduction to talking about the fauna and flora local to the area being explored, making it a great tie in to your science and nature activities.
It pairs beautifully with our paper bag nature scavenger hunt if you have toddlers along for the hunt as well.
You will need:
- Paint chip cards in assorted colours (4-5 paint cards are ideal, you can use more for older children)
- Wooden clothes pegs
- Paper bag
1. Begin by taking a nature walk. Collect a range of samples from nature such as bark, leaves, flowers, grass and sticks. Look for items that have already fallen to the ground to avoid picking from live plants. Place each sample into your paper bag.
2. Talk about the specimens you’ve collected as you unbag them. Look at the various shapes, colours, textures, and sizes. Explore grouping items together in a variety of ways.
3. Compare the colours of the samples to the colours on the paint chip cards. When you see a close match, clip the sample to the card with a clothes peg.
RELATED: Pair your outdoor scavenger hunt with a great nature picture book from our great big list of Earth Day Picture Books.
5. Let your child continue to match samples to colours as they identify them.
Once complete, nature samples can be returned back outside or put into compost piles. Or re-purposed to create a nature collage.
Save the paint chips and clips so you can try the activity again at a later time!