Let’s Take a Walk! Neighbourhood Scavenger Hunt Printable

Make the most of neighbourhood walks with this fun, printable family scavenger hunt. It’s great for families with children of all ages.

To play along, print a copy of the family scavenger hunt printable (instructions for downloading and printing can be found at the bottom of this post), decide where your family will walk and head off with a pencil and clipboard to see what they can find. You can print one copy for the whole family, or make a copy for each child in your family.

Family scavenger hunt printable

You can also invite your children to use a phone or camera to take photographs of the things they find in your neighbourhood that suit each item on the checklist. These photos can later be used for journalling about your scavenger hunt adventure.

And you might like to  follow up this neighbourhood scavenger hunt by completing our printable Alphabet Scavenger Hunt as a family challenge on your next family walk! Or you could try our five senses Nature Scavenger Hunt.

Printable neighborhood scavenger hunt

How to Download & Print Your
Printable Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt

Click here to download: Let's Take a Walk! Scavenger Hunt Printable . Save the PDF to your computer. Open the PDF to print the pages you require. When printing, select “Fit to printable area” (or similar) to ensure the page fits with your printer type and local paper size.
Having trouble accessing or downloading the file? Please try a different internet browser.
Please note: All Childhood 101 printables are for personal use only, you may not use any part of this content for commercial purposes-that includes selling the document, giving it away to promote your business or website, or printing the file to sell. You may not share, loan or redistribute these documents. Teachers may use multiple copies for students in their own classroom.


social emotional learning journal

Click on the images below for related ideas;

Kids Book Bingo Printable  Alphabet scavenger hunt printable
101 Things to Do Outdoors Printable Play Poster


  1. I have learned something very interesting and had fun learning. My mum helped me with my learning.

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