Rainbow Sensory Bottle with Water Beads
Inside: A fascinating rainbow sensory bottle for toddlers and preschoolers.
As toddlers and preschoolers, my children were both fascinated by sensory bottles – even now our almost 11 year old will stop and flip our slow motion calm down bottle, standing still to watch the blocks fall, and our six year old loves the smell (yes, smell!) of our scented rainstick sensory bottle.
Sensory bottles are a fabulous tool to explore, offering wonderful sensory input. I especially love them as a calm down tool, perfect for when children are experiencing big, overwhelming feelings or when they simply need some quiet time.
RELATED: Teaching Feelings & Emotions « GREAT calm down games and activities for kids of all ages.
Today we are sharing yet another awesome new sensory bottle – after all, who doesn’t love rainbows! And like our glow-in-the-dark sensory bottle the hero ingredient in this sensory bottle is water beads!
RELATED: For more rainbow colorful fun, check out our collection of Rainbow Sensory Bottle Ideas.
Water beads offer lots of opportunities to explore visually – not just the completed bottle but the process of making it too. Have your child observe and describe what happens to the water beads as they expand inside the bottle. Once the beads are fully expanded, invite your child to count how many different colors can be seen.
How to Make Your Rainbow Sensory Bottle
You will need:
- A small, empty, plastic soda bottle
- Waterproof super glue
- Water beads
- Water
- Glitter in your choice of color (optional)
Directions for Making a Rainbow Sensory Bottle:
1. Prepare the soda bottle by rinsing well and removing all paper and labels.
Tip: Eucalyptus oil is fabulous for removing any sticky glue left by labels.
2. Fill the plastic bottle 3/4 full with water.
3. Add 2-3 tablespoons of water beads.
4. Add the lid (but don’t glue into place just yet) and allow the water beads to expand.
4. Once the water beads have expanded, remove the lid and top up the bottle with water. Fill it to the neck of the bottle but do not overfill.
5. Sprinkle some glitter into the bottle (this step is 0ptional). You don’t need to add a lot, just a sprinkle will do.
6. Secure bottle cap by applying super glue around the rim of the bottle. Place the cap on. Make sure it is on tightly. Allow to dry. Or, alternatively, wrap a good length of wide, clear packaging tape around the secured lid to keep the beads safe from curious little fingers.
To use your water bead rainbow sensory bottle, simply give the bottle a good shake. The glued cap will prevent leaks and messes, while the water, beads, and glitter will interact to create a beautiful swirling rainbow.
Hold it up to the light to see even more colors in action.
Find even more fabulous sensory bottles in this fun collection;