21 Starting School Books to Help Ease the Transition
Regular visitor to the site will know that I believe books act as a perfect tool for introducing children to new life experiences, and today I am sharing some of the best starting school books that I hope will help your child, as they have helped mine, in their transition to big school!
As there are many different considerations for different children (and families) as they start school for the year, I’ve divided the books into a number of different sections, including books on starting school for kindergarteners and first graders, books for children feeling worried or anxious (including separation anxiety), and more! See each section below for further explanation.

21 Best Picture Books About Starting School
Each title is linked to Amazon (these are affiliate links) where you will find reviews and more information about each book.
For those with children starting preschool, daycare or another early education service, check out our list of 10 Books About Starting Preschool.
Children’s Books on Starting School
Stories can provide a positive, low stress way of introducing information about the new experience of going to school to children. The following children’s books on starting school are great for those moving into school for the first time.
First Day by Andrew Daddo
We love this book! The first day can be challenging for children…and for parents! The book explores all of the things children need to do each day to get ready for school and reinforces the message that Mum or Dad will be back – “the best bit about waving goodbye is the next wave will be hello” – with a fun twist..
The Wild Guide to Starting School by Laura Bunting
The most lighthearted, fun starting school book to help prepare children for a move into kindergarten or first grade. You’ll not find better advice for starting school (for both children and adults!) than the very funny suggestions offered by a group of Australian animals!
The Pigeon HAS to Go to School by Mo Willems
Fans of Pigeon and anyone looking for a new addition to their books on starting school will love this hilarious take on the genre. Pigeon absolutely does not want to go to school – after all, he already know everything! And it is hard to read with one big eye! This one will have children laughing out loud.
The Things I Love About School by Trace Moroney
In The Things I Love About School, Trace Moroney focuses on the interesting aspects of being at school including learning lots of new things and trying new things, as well as playing and making new friends. I love that it ends, “I wonder what I will learn tomorrow. I love school!”
Chu’s First Day of School by Neil Gaiman
Chu, the panda with the big sneeze, is heading off to school for the first time. He hopes the other boys and girls will be nice. Will they like him? What will happen at this strange new place called school? And what will happen if Chu sneezes?
I Am Too Absolutely Small for School by Lauren Child
We are long time Charlie and Lola fans. With Lola (or rather her imaginary friend, Soren Lorenson) feeling nervous about starting school – after all, why does one even need to know how to count to 100 when one never eats more than 10 biscuits at a time? – Charlie does his best to reassure her that it will be lots of fun and she will make friends. And on her very first day she does indeed make a very special friend.
Going to School by Anna Civardi
Percy and Polly Peach are starting school and we get to spend the first day with them. A simple story, this book walks children through many of the experiences they will enjoy in a play-based, first years program – with the story taking us from the time the twins are getting up and getting ready, through to meeting the teacher and having a parent stay for a little while, with lots of play, making things, music and story time before it’s time to head home again.
Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten by Joseph Slate
My girls have both loved the audio version of this story and I am pretty sure it is because of the lovely rhythm of the text. As Miss Bindergarten gets ready for her children to come to class, the kindergarten students are also preparing for their big first day.
Countdown to Kindergarten by Alison McGhee
There are lots of rules in school. But what if you can’t tie your shoelaces? Because that’s a rule too. Countdown to Kindergarten explores the anxieties of a little girl who is about to start kindergarten in the ten days before class starts. Will she be the only one who can’t tie her shoes?
Books for Kids Feeling Worried or Anxious
The thought of starting school can be very exciting for both child and family but for many children there is a fine line between excited and over-excited or anxious. These starting school books are great for children who are feeling worried or anxious.
The Color Monster Goes to School by Anna Llenas
The Color Monster is feeling nervous – it’s his first day of school and he does not know what to expect! A great starting school book for fans of The Color Monster who are feeling nervous about their first day.
RELATED: If you are a fan of The Color Monster be sure to check out our Color Monster Emotions Jar Activity.
Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes
Wemberly has many worries – big and small! But her very biggest worries are about starting school. With the help of her family, new teacher and a new friend, Wemberly manages to make it through her very first day.
Butterflies on the First Day of School by Annie Silvestro
Rosie’s been excited about starting school but on the morning of the first day she’s feeling unwell. ‘You have butterflies in your belly,’ her mama tells her. Rosie is startled when a butterfly flies out of her mouth whilst talking to a new friend on the school bus! As the day goes on, Rosie frees all her butterflies and even helps another shy student let go of hers.
Back to School Books
This collection of books offers a fun, often amusing look at being back at school for a new year.
Mae’s First Day of School by Kate Berube
As Mae’s first day of school approaches she declares that she is NOT going! A reassuring, gentle and amusing story for children who are nervous about school starting.
First Day Jitters by Julie Danneburg
A super fun story about Sarah Jane Hartwell who doesn’t want to get out of bed for school on the first day. In a fun twist, it turns out Sarah Jane is the teacher! A wonderful way to connect the feelings of students and teachers alike as a new school year begins on the very first day.
Chairs On Strike by Jennifer Jones
A fun rhyming story about a set of school chairs in despair of how they are treated going on strike! Great back to school book as setting behavioral expectations.
This Is a School by John Schu
A joyful celebration of the nurturing, inclusive community a school can be.
Books About Being Yourself
Doubts about school can come in many forms, including worries about the ways a child might be different from, or less able than, their classmates. Parents and teachers can support children experiencing these feelings with a story (or two!) about learning to be yourself.
We Don’t Eat Our Classmates by Ryan T. Higgins
Penelope Rex the dinosaur is about to start her first day of school. The problem is Penelope is a carnivorous dinosaur, and her classmates are all children! The book humorously addresses Penelope’s struggle to resist the urge to eat her classmates, as well as the challenges she faces in making friends and fitting in.
The Smart Cookie by Jory John
Cookie never feels as smart as her friends, no matter how hard she tries! A lovely story exploring the different ways in which children learn, a great choice for children who feel a little nervous about not being as smart as the other children at school.
Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
Chrysanthemum, adores her name. Why wouldn’t she? Her parents chose it especially for her. When she finally gets to go to school though, the experience isn’t all that she’d hoped for. Her peers tease Chrysanthemum because of her beautiful and unique name. How will she handle this unexpected problem?
RELATED: For more books that help children to both accept themselves and learn to respect differences in others, check out our collection of Books About Diversity and Difference.
Books for Children With Separation Anxiety
The following books offer extra support for children experiencing separation anxiety from a primary caregiver.
The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn
Chester Racoon is sad about starting school, worried that he will miss his Mummy and his toys and all of the things he loves to do at home. His mother reassures him that he will love school once he starts and it is not so strange and scary any more, and then she shares a secret with him – the secret of The Kissing Hand. I think this book is just as much for those mamas who are worried about being sad at missing their child as it is for the little ones.
The Invisible String by Patrice Karst
This simple, novel idea for helping children overcome separation anxiety from family members is perfect for children worried about missing a caregiver as they start school.
RELATED: For more books that help children face their fears, check out our big list of books about being afraid.
More Starting School Resources
For more handy starting school resources, check out these related posts;
Great book list!
We have a copy of “Starting School” by Janet & Alan Ahlberg aimed at 3-5 year olds starting pre-school and it’s very good too!
We just picked up First Day by Margaret Wild and Jessica’s Box by Peter Carnavas from our library in readiness for next Monday! We have been trying to keep it pretty low key as building things up too big for too long can result in over excitement and anxiety in our Miss 5. But all the librarians at the library (where she has been going weekly since birth) were keen to discuss school and wish her all the best and she is pretty excited now!
I bought The Kissing Hand for Miss 5 when she started Kindy last year – I think I probably benefited from it more than she did – this fairly unsentimental mother was a bundle of emotion leading up to kindy!
The girls both love “Little School” by Beth Norling. It follows 20 kids through their day at school/kindy/daycare – they all get to school in different ways, do different things in the classroom together, eat different lunches together, tidy up (or not) in different ways together. For my girl who likes to know EXACTLY what will be happening, it had enough variation to prepare her for just about any eventuality at kindy!
Best wishes for next week – treat yourself to something nice on the first day like a coffee or time at a day spa – it’s a lovely distraction and something fun to look forward to after you’ve said goodbye!
The Kissing Hand looks gorgeous. Off to the book shop tomorrow, I hope to track it down. If not, to the library! Sweet list!
May I suggest my very own website? You will see I have written a book about going to kindy/childcare with beautiful illustration by Doriana berkovic. You have the choice of personalising it with your own pictures for further benefit. I have also written a blog about tips on settling into kindy.