Pass the Popcorn: Making Memories with Family Movie Nights

Hosting a regular family movie night at home;is a fun way to spend time together and perfect for creating long lasting childhood memories.
family movie nights

Whether it be a weekly or monthly occurrence for your family, these three important ingredients will help you to make the most of your home movie night.

1. Organise snacks

family movie nights

Popcorn or lollies? Potato chips or ice cream? Whatever your choice, snacks are an essential part of your family movie experience. We like popcorn, crispy M&Ms and potato chips in our house, though not necessarily all on the same night  Here are some food and drinks ideas for your family movie date night
•    Popcorn
•    Everyone’s favourite lollies
•    Ice cream sundaes
•    Banana splits
•    Icy poles
•    Frozen yoghurt
•    Potato chips
•    Dip and crackers (or vegetable sticks)
•    Cheese platter
•    Fruit salad
•    Milkshakes
•    Fruit smoothies

2. Make it comfy and cosy

family movie nights

In our house we like to all snuggle up on the couch. Depending on the size of your family and the age of your children, you might prefer to throw all of your couch cushions and pillows onto the floor to create a big, comfy nest to share. Add blankets and quilts in colder weather and pyjamas…whatever the weather! The pjs have the added advantage of making the transition to bed once the movie is over much easier for little ones.

3. Choose your movie
family movie nights

For a family movie experience the whole family can enjoy, you are going to need to choose a movie that is suitable for your youngest child to watch. As well as considering the age of your children, also think about their sensitivity to different emotional themes and any current fears, avoiding movies that you think they may be too sensitive to.

Look out for movies that explore shared interests or flicks from your own childhood that you think your children might enjoy. We have over 150 of the best family movies to help make the choice easier.


  1. Our wish for this holiday season is to spend some quality family time together and to teach our daughter the spirit of Christmas and giving to others. Also, winning this giveaway would be lovely!

  2. Our wish this season is to focus on joy! After a stressful couple of years we are going back to basics. There will be joyful activities, fun with lots of family and quite a few extra surprises along the way. As part of that our advent calendar this year has a random act of kindness in each pocket for the girls to do.

  3. Our wish is for snow! We live in a ski town in Colorado and we still don’t have any snow. After an extremely dry winter last year, both the economy and the watershed could use a good snowstorm! And what fun to have family movie night during a raging snowstorm?

  4. Our wish this holiday Season is to spend some relaxed quality time as a family (which we dont get much of until this holiday break) and show our son that Christmas is more than just getting presents from Santa, it is about giving to others, family time and fun memories.

  5. Christianne says:

    To be happy and healthy and enjoy the family time, hopefully without any stress. Hopefully, if we can, have a small little christmas with our new little family teaching our son about the christmas spirit 🙂

  6. Our wish for this Christmas season is to focus on family. To enjoy the little moments, create new traditions and memories together.

  7. Our wish is to create and cherish those magic moments with children and family that we all will back on in years to come.

  8. Our wish is for my Miss Teen not to be spending Christmas day and the next 3 weeks away from us….but life is all about the hiccups to best laid plans and things out of our control so we are hoping to be able to embrace the Christmas Spirit and celebrate Christmas Day together with her twin sisters a few days earlier than everyone else….because after all…it is family and our own traditions that matter…not just a date! A family movie night with some Christmas carols thrown in on our special Christmas night will hopefully ease the ache in this Mummy’s heart x

  9. Our family’s Christmas wish is permission from our landlord to get a puppy! We are currently awaiting his answer.

  10. Judi Adams says:

    My family’s wish for Christmas cheer,
    Is for us all to enjoy another year,
    With loved ones and family around us to hold dear.

  11. Christie: what time of day do you have movie night? Is it an early evening thing?

    1. We do early evening, Vanessa, straight after dinner and usually on a Saturday night 🙂

  12. cal potter says:

    Our first as a split family (and even harder with a bossy teenager) I’m wishing for lots of cuddles, peace & harmony, great bon-bon jokes and a Christmas dinner that doesn’t include brussel sprouts!

  13. The Christmas Holiday season can be a lot more dangerous time of year for accidents so just the health and safety of my family is my wish.

  14. With a family that has two adults and eight kids my xmas wish would be to relax,slow down and spend a less chaotic peaceful time with them. I would have to dress the little ones in their christmas dressup for this movie.Oh and loads of naughty but nice sometimes treats as well.

  15. well my family’s wish for this Christmas has come true as my brother and his wife has moved back to Adelaide from new zealand to live here, as we haven’t had my brother here for Christmas in a couple of years now, so it will be good to have the whole family here for Christmas

  16. That my in-laws finally come to stay! In the ten years we’ve been married I am still to meet them, hubby misses them like crazy & the kids can’t wait to meet their other Grandparents. If this wish came true, it’d be like all our Christmas’s came at once 🙂

  17. That Nanna doesn’t make her famous roast ham, studded with cloves!! Everyone hates it, it tastes disgusting, and no ones tummies are up for another forced dose this Chrissy!!!

  18. My whole family’s wish for this year is for a Fat Bank account and a Thin body for us all. Not to get it mixed up like it was last year.

    1. My whole family’s wish for next year is for a Fat Bank account and a Thin body for us all. Not to get it mixed up like it was last year.

  19. Nicole White says:

    At our house it’s raining cats and dogs…and soon to REINDEER!
    All our family wants this CHRISTMAS is loads of LAUGHTER and CHEER,
    “DOGtor Dre” says laughter is good for the soul,
    When you’ve had a RUFF day at the North Pole,
    You should enjoy a FAMILY MOVIE and welcome in the NEW YEAR!

  20. My kids wish would be for me to not work, so we could spend more time together.
    My wish would be for more hours in the day. Or perhaps more hours in the night. I’m so tired lately more hours to sleep and prepare for the days ahead would be brilliant.

  21. Rebecca Baker says:

    Christmas is my Favourite time of year,
    So many Parties, Gatherings, and all round Cheer!
    Pressies for me, and pressies for you,
    What the hell why not two??

    Unfortuntly not everyone gets the same joy we share,
    And honestly its NOT really fair!!!
    So my familys wish is simple this year,
    We wish the homless & less fortuntate get to share the same cheer!

  22. This will be a our first Christmas where the entire family is together in the family home. I am so excited! Food, family and lots of craziness!

  23. Our wish is very simple : to have everyone be able to be at home at the same time. Ever since the kids have grown up, it is very hard with jobs and living interstate.

  24. Our Wish is for me to finally be able to roast a ham without burning it for the first time this christmas lunch… obviously I didn’t get my mother’s awesome cooking genes

  25. I’d love it if all of my family could spend christmas at home with us and if they can’t for everyone to be safe and enjoy their day with the people they are spending it with (and hopefully make it home next year)!

  26. kerry santillo says:

    Healthwise, this year has been hard,
    leaving my family, emotionally and physically scared.
    A wish for calm, peace and smiles,
    for a New Year of happy trials 🙂
    Wishes of goodluck to family and friends.
    hugs and kisses I do send ♥

  27. This festive season will be spent teaching my kids how to surf, ride a bike without training wheels and visiting family and friends.
    We will need some chill out time when we get home

  28. Dannielle Hall says:

    Our wish is not for material things this year, but being thankful for our healthy baby we received earlier this year! No doubt he will be spoilt rotten… we do know he will like the paper and boxes more than anthing!

  29. I wish for a big, loud family Christmas like I had when I was a kid. All the extended family, lots of food and laughter, and a game of cricket on the beach to wear off lunch.

  30. Mmmm well I’m really wishing I knew that my son was going to wake up and make it up to Perth with us for Christmas but I know that is a BIG wish. So I shouldn’t even mention the wishes that my daughter had somewhere to live next year while going to uni and that she will have the resilience to overcome the other obstacles in her way.
    So I would love to escape to movie-land to watch Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups with all the wonderful small children that are part of our lives because I’m a Family Day Care Educator.

  31. Margaret C says:

    We wish for health, happiness, peace and joy, with love that overflows to all those around us.

  32. hope to have best year with good gifts and smile to my face hehe 😉 2012 is xmas

  33. Belinda Zipf says:

    I would just love Christmas to be filled with the kids laughter and happiness. One thing I love the most is the look on their faces when seeing the presents, absolutely priceless

  34. Renee Kenna says:

    Our family wish is to have a fun time together in the sun, enjoying the little things that life has to offer. This year we have learnt that it is the little things that matter the most, and as long as we are together we can get through anything.

  35. Danielle Klyn says:

    To me I wish this holiday season will be spent together with my family and enjoying each others company and just being together and reminiscing about old memories while making new ones in the process.

  36. A Christmas Wish so pure and simple,
    Is for my special 6 week-old to flash those dimples 🙂

  37. Our family wish is to celebrate the spirit of Christmas together, share the blessing that we received and thank God for another wonderful year. Wish you all a Happy Holiday!!

  38. Our family Christmas wish is for celebrating family & Christ’s birthday.
    Our family has always been crazy busy over this season& this year we don’t have a lot of finances& have decided to take time out& celebrate with our family & close friends.
    We have come up with a ‘7 Days of Christmas’ where we go to particular Christmas celebrations ie: The road to Bethlehem production , the RAC Christmas Pageant, Carols in the Quarry& Blessings others in need ie: hosting Christmas lunch for those without family to celebrate with& giving gifts.
    We want our children to see that Christmas isn’t about presents but about Christ & His love& joy in life& celebrating what we have in Him 😉

  39. Aaron Kaczmarczyk says:

    Our families wish is to all be together this holiday season, which is difficult as we live all over the country and coming together, based on time, cost and availability is very difficult!

  40. Shanneene Symons says:

    Our wish this year is for our beloved family members to be in good health and high spirits for the festive season, while coming together as a family and spending quality time with each other.

  41. vicki griffin says:

    A BLUE Christmas you see an unexpected op for hubby, the PUPS are sad their PAWS are sore a Ray of sunshine is needed from SANTA at christmas time for sure.

  42. Antonietta Farrugia says:

    My Christmas wish is to have the whole family together during the festive season, this hasn’t happened in a very long time, for health and happiness for all and be united next year without toll

  43. Our Christmas wish is to enjoy every family moment, to remember our step son who will miss his second Christmas and to listen to the laughter and happiness of the other children while they enjoy the festive season.

  44. Our Christmas wish is that everyone gets to spend time with the ones they love and enjoy this special time together.

  45. My family’s wish this holiday season is to embrace the christmas spirit and joy and happiness in the air. To simply be together with the ones we love, laughing at the corny christmas cracker jokes over grandma’s pudding and creating new christmas memories we will cherish for years to come!

  46. colleen martin says:

    Our christmas wish this year is too enjoy our babies 1st christmas and too see the joy on our 3yr old son’s face when he wakes christmas morning. Things have been tough for us this year but we have decided to take our oldest son shopping for something to put under the kmart wishing tree. We both want this to be a tradition and to show our kids that no matter how hard things might be at home there are others out there that are worse off and we should appricate what we do have. So i guess our real christams wish is to instill in our both sons understanding and compassion towards others always but esp this time of year

  47. julie Vulin says:

    My wish for my family is better health as we’ve had a couple of scares and nothing’s more important than being well. Like everyone more time to spend and enjoy with family and friends. I’d also like to push myself to find time to do more for my community. Finally, I wish everyone good luck in achieving their goals and to remember when they get angry or frustrated not to sweat the small stuff and realise that we all can make a difference.

  48. My wish is for a little family of our own, I wish for our current IVF cycle to turn out with a positive pregnancy, we have so longingly wanted this for years now and really need the ray of hope at the end of the rainbow.

  49. Lauren Dean says:

    Our wish is to spend quality time with family and share the joy and happiness with others less fortunate.

  50. Our wish is to not eat to much and be sick…but we are fooling ourselves.

  51. I’d love to come up with something witty or clever, or related to my campaign about giving the gift of story this Christmas, or some other lovely, world-changing idea.

    But what I’d really love most is for my family (including in-laws) to get along with each other; to not be so proud and stubborn; to let go of all the wrongs of the past – so that my Munchkin could have just one big, raucous, fun Christmas in his life – with all the people he loves, together, as one family.

    Not gonna happen 🙁

  52. Kalli Argitis says:

    my wish for this holiday season, is that all my loved ones eg family and friends are healthy, happy and safe.

  53. My wish is to spend one last perfect Christmas with my grandma. She’s not too well at the moment and we’re not too sure if this will be our last Christmas together. We’re going to have a traditional long lunch together as a family, and then watch our old family movies and reminisce.

  54. Nyah Maindonald says:

    For this years Holiday Season; I share my Family’s WISH,
    that is for the eradication of all this worlds anguish.
    Over oil, drugs and religion; a power struggle for the selfish,
    such a small percentage of our race creates this tarnish.
    While the Media plays its role in what it chooses to publish;
    which can send Society into panic and think our senses will perish.
    With this perfectly balanced Universe, we find the good to cherish,
    and eventually only LOVE will have the power to vanquish:)

  55. Katherine says:

    Our wish is to be fully toilet trained by 2013 with our 2 year old and our new puppy so we use the nappy budget to go on a family getaway!

  56. Laura Ford says:

    Our wish is simply to be together. My partner has moved to the other side of the country, simply so we can be together, even though we are going through some extreme troubles, especially with money. Even so, all I want for Christmas is to be able to fly back to NSW from WA so he can see his family and celebrate the silly season with his loved ones. I just want him to be happy for Christmas 🙂

  57. Jaymie-lee says:

    Biggest wish this christmas would have to be having a peaceful and happy family get-together! Christmas is supposed to be a happy time, but i myself think it is the mist stressful time of the year!!

    Peace & happiness please!

  58. Brenda Cervi says:

    My wish would be to be with my daughter and granddaughters who moved to Brisbane but mostly I would like to see every child in the world to feel safe have shelter and food and to know the joy of Xmas that my children enjoyed !

  59. John Szabo says:

    My Christmas wish for my family is to be able to reflect on what has happended in the past,build on the good things,gather strength and move forward and be generous to all. And learn to love yourselves,be kind and calm and enjoy this period of the year .

  60. Erin jones says:

    My wish for this holiday season is for my extended family, my sisters and brothers in blue, have a happy Christmas. To those working over the Christmas period, I hope you have safe shifts and get to spend some time with loved ones.

  61. I wish & pray for a Christmas season that is not only the children enjoying themselves with daily family adventures but also got my husband and I to not be only smiling on the outside whilst on the inside we are crying with financial hardship trying to ‘hold it all together’ for the children’s sake. We had a lovely tv and would watch many Christmas movies, but the tv has broken & this will be our first Christmas without our traditional nightly Christmas movie nights.
    Each night a different child chose their movie and we have an ‘intermission’ when the kiddies present the treats (popcorn. Homemade treats etc)

  62. Our wish for this Christmas is to have a child. We have been trying for nine years and have been unsuccessful. To hear our home filled with laughter of our very own child would be our only and greatest wish.

  63. Mary Preston says:

    Our family wish is to have one more Christmas with my Father. He is failing fast, but we want to hold onto him for just a little bit longer. We want to create happy memories that will last a lifetime.

  64. Our family wish is to celebrate and give thanks to all that is good in our lives! It is so easy to focus on the negative and our young children pick up on this. As a family we need to give thanks for even the simplest of things that we take for granted – each other!

  65. Anna Kanook says:

    We’ve finished renovating my Grandmother’s house after years of renting it out, so now, my daughter and I can move in. Our wish would be to bring all the family from Cairns and Melbourne together this holidays. We could sit out under the old Christmas tree (it’s busted out of the pot and is growing in the garden- luckily I found some h.u.g.e baubles to bling it in style). We’d sing Silent Night like we used to when I was a child, and like they did when my Dad was little and get the kids excited about their presents.

    And I wish, with all my might, that I can recreate Grandma’s amazing strawberry patch so that next year, there’ll be garden strawbs on the pav. Just the way it’s always been.

  66. SHERYL MCAULEY says:

    My wish for Christmas is to create for my children a magical experience full of hope and wonder to help build special childhood memories for them. Along with toys for Christmas, we are also undertaking the sponsorship of a child from overseas to teach our children the joy from giving as well as receiving during this special time.

  67. My families wish is for a happy, safe and thankful christmas this year. It is so easy to get caught up in all the hype of christmas that we forget to stop and think those who are doing it tough, wherever they may be in the world.

  68. My daughters wish is to finally catch Santa. Picture a life sized mouse trap board game filling up the lounge. Hopefully this year she doesn’t just catch the family cat!

  69. Our wish for the holidays is to relax, unwind and spend so quality time together.

  70. After a difficult year with the death of my mother-in-law and my husband’s job loss we are concentrating on the most important thing in life – family and happiness.

  71. Karl Schunker says:

    My family’s wish for this year is to have another enjoyable gatherings and feast. We are rarely given the chance where all problems and issues are put aside as the family unites as one.

  72. My 6 year old little brother has had a tough year this year. From starting school and being bullied as well as being very sick, my christmas wish this year is to see him get everything he wants from Santa, just to see the smile not only on his face, but my mother and father as well as other siblings when he wakes up christmas morning. This TV would be a great surprise to give them when I visit them Christmas morning. Isn’t family the mopst magical thing during Christmas?

  73. This Chsristmas wish would be to enjoy the Santa Paws movie in the comfort of air conditioning alongside our new puppy dog – the latest addition to our small family.

  74. Eloise Butler says:

    My family’s wish for this holiday season is to all stay happy and healthy. We have had a rough year with hospitalisations and deaths but everything is back on track now and we are hoping for the best ever possible holiday season

  75. Rachael Rowberry says:

    My wish is for a family movie Christmas night. It would be great if my 5 year old boy would be quiet for the whole movie, not once have we seen a movie without him carrying on. Maybe if I made him some popcorn and other treats we might just succeed this Christmas. This would be a Wish come true!

  76. Alicia King says:

    My wish for my family this year, is just to have enough so we can celebtrate and not miss out!

  77. My Christmas wish is for my Family to have a wonderful Christmas. Every year there is always drama in my household. Hopefully this year it will be different 😀

  78. Jonny N-H says:

    My Christmas wish for my family this season is.. survival!.. and fun 🙂 .. and on the day itself a kiss from my lovely wife at an ungodly hour before she heads to work at the hospital for half the day, enjoy a few milliseconds more slumber before being stacked on by my 3 boys and let them in for a snuggle, open stockings (random trinkets for a laugh), fall out of bed with enough time to indulge the kids with a cooked brekkie (and maybe some lego), go to church, gorge a little for lunch, *rest time* :), play with the boys, pick up father-in-law, open pressies (aaah, the sweet melee of torn wrapping paper, flying pine needles, squeals of delight and moans of impatience), a little more (hopefully slightly restrained) gorging, a game or a movie… then collapse into bed exhausted but happy!

  79. Tamara Jones says:


  80. My wish for christmas is to spend time with family and friends and celebrate the joy that christmas brings to all and be thankful of what I have and love. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  81. I wish that all people care for their families and neighbours.
    Take the opportunity to wish them a Merry Christmas and ask them if they need any help.

  82. i wish for this Christmas is a cure for deadly child illness, cure for cancer, cure for leukemia and all the rare illnesses such as Hutchinson-Guilford Progeria Syndrome, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and Menkes Disease so they can get better and have a jolly Christmas, and live beyond the life expectancy rate for their illness. to be able to help create a heap of Christmas memories. R.I.P nameless cancer victims of 2012

  83. Quality time together. Sharing the gospel. Enjoying good health.

  84. Our wish is to visit our sponsor child in Rwanda. We have heard her brother had an accident which has left him handicapped. We would love the opportunity to meet them and offer hope, help, happiness and ‘good’ surprise into their lives.

  85. Fonda Buchanan says:

    This is the first Christmas my partner and I will have our grandaughter with us.She is 2 years old and just the most wonderful Christmas present we could have ever wished for.Her Dad has been out of our lives for the past 10 years(his choice) but now to our utter delight they have come to live with us!I’m sure this will be one of the most joyous Christmas’ with our little family and one we have hoped and prayed for.Merry Christmas to everyone!

  86. Clara McKay says:

    Our wish for the holiday season is to spend it together and be thankful for all of our good fortune in life!

  87. Natalie Mckain says:

    Our wish for christmas is for the puppy to start behaving! Seriously. I foresee a very harassing day, starting with us trying to open gifts and be thankful whilst shouting “leave it!” at the puppy as he takes off with one of our new gifts, shoes or undies. I predict he will destroy at least one present before the morning is through, which will test all of our festive goodwill. Then, the family will come over for christmas lunch and puppy will beg, bite ankles, steal food, bark, pee and poop in inappropriate places and relish in the havoc that unfolds. He may even succeed in toppling our christmas tree over, I can see it in his eyes. Our puppy is on the naughty list, oh how we wish he would graduate to the nice list this christmas!

  88. Our wish is for everyone to have achieved what they wanted through the year, and prepare for the next! Also, I really want to succeed in one of my most important wishes, spending more time with my parents, as they won’t be here forever. They should have the right to enjoy life after all the effort they put in to raise us.

  89. I host a movie night at my home every week for my friends. We generally watch vhs’ as we still have our vhs player. My family never joins because they only like watching movies at the cinema for it’s quality.

  90. We always watch old scary horror movie and laugh at how “scary” they are.

  91. It’s our girls first Christmas;

    Our wish is for her to stop growing up so fast,
    Walking, talking and always learning,
    The time so far has been a blast,
    There’s no wish of time reversing?

    There are no words to say how proud we are,
    She’s our one and only shining star,
    As it’s our first Christmas as a family of three,
    I hope our wish is granted to me.

  92. Deborah Wilson says:

    We have five kids, which is expensive but find the simple things are the best! movie nights in our bed (its a squeeze) sleepouts on the trampoline! Christmas will be all about being together, friends popping in and sharing with our family – Merry Christmas everyone!

  93. oh for those old days, family around the fire, toasting fork and bubble and squeak left over from sunday lunch, all relaxed all together and just hanging loose watch a movie.

  94. After missing my first Christmas with my girlfriend last year after being deployed to Afghanistan, I’m looking forward to spending our first Christmas together with family and friends.

  95. Briana Corry says:

    Our wish is for Mum (me) to stay out of hospital. After our third bub was born 6weeks ago, I have spent 3 weeks in hospital with pneumonia and other infections. This was after a complicated pregnancy with a few hospital stays… my two eldest kids and husband and I, just want a healthy Christmas.

  96. lisa miller says:

    our family christmas wish is to enjoy the time all together. My hubby works days and i work nights so we are never together at the same time. With 3 grows (8,9,8months) time as a family is precious. My sole wish is to show my children that christmas isnt about presents but most importantly about being with family

  97. If all my chicks come home to roost it will give this Mum the most fabulous Christmas boost!

  98. To not have to see any more awful attempts at rhyming to win a prize.

  99. Ali Gibbs says:

    Not the best, but… I wish it would snow! I’ve always wanted snow for christmas, and although I know it wont happen, a girl can dream

  100. Michelle Millar says:

    That bellies are round and full, that everyone is happy, and that someone else magically washes up all the dishes.

  101. My families wish would be to have a safe chirstmas and that everyone else has a safe christmas

  102. janine gardiner says:

    Everyone has a good wish for their family for christmas, but I would just like us all to be watching a DVD of Santa Paws 2 -the Santa Pups on our new 46″ tv in HD , with our awesome dvd player. What a wish!!!!!

  103. Melissa Davis says:

    C Christmas is the best time of year,
    H Hollering carols for all to hear.
    R Relaxing for the holidays sounds sleigh bells great,
    I If I had a wish it would be to have a family art and craft date.
    S Spending time together doing what we love,
    T To me sounds like a Christmas Gift from the angels up above.
    M My mum and my dog ‘Sammy’ are my family; my best friends,
    A Always and forever, till the end of ends.
    S Spending time with loved ones is the Christmas gift that keeps on giving!

  104. Caitlyn Fuller says:

    If i could wish upon a star
    I would not wish to travel afar
    I don’t want gold or diamond rings
    as these are simply material things
    The greatest gift to me would be
    to spend more time with my beloved family

  105. Trent Keenan says:

    Well I’m working Christmas day and Just moved out of my mums house, but I’m sure my family, mostly grand parents wish would be for just a peaceful Christmas. without any dram.

  106. trudi okeefe says:

    my wish that my family could have christmas all together as a loving family .

  107. trudi okeefe says:

    thanks for the chance to enter

  108. You could give me all the presents in the world’ but with out seeing the smiles on the faces of my loved ones! no present would ever be good enough….! there the glue that keeps me together, the meaning of christmas

  109. Ohhhhh 2012.. What a year it’s been! I had surgery at the beginning of term 4 which in turn has turned our house into chaos. All with a 5 year old with autism who has just wanted his Mummy to be feeling 100% again. My christmas wish.. For my family to finish the year on a positive, enjoy some relaxing and fun quality time together and to for 2013 to be a year of bigger and better things 😉 xx

  110. Kerry Morris says:

    My two front teef. My wish is that all who have posted before and after me get their wishes for Christmas.

  111. Kelly & Matt Bull says:

    Our wish this Christmas is to start some long lasting family traditions that our children can carry on and to have a calmer Christmas as living in our house can be super full on xxxxxxxx

  112. i wish to have all the family together for christmas and for everyone to be safe and happy, no matter what 🙂 merry christmas everyone!!

  113. Carole Bulivou says:

    5 days of Christmas

    On the 1st day of Christmas
    My family and I had
    1 big movie night.

    On the 2nd day of Christmas
    My Family and I had,
    2 tubs of ice cream,
    And 1 big movie night.

    On the 3rd day of Christmas
    My Family and I had,
    3 bowls of chips,
    2 tubs of ice cream,
    And 1 big movie night.

    On the 4th day of Christmas
    My Family and I had,
    4 bowls of chocolates,
    3 bowls of chips,
    2 tubs of ice cream,
    And 1 big movie night.

    On the 5th day of Christmas
    My Family and I had,
    5 neighbours come over,
    4 bowls of chocolates,
    3 bowls of chips,
    2 tubs of ice cream,
    And 1 big movie night.

  114. this Christmas will be a time to remember my best friend “Jessie”
    she was with me for 15 years, always at my side, the best dog I ever had.
    just 2 weeks ago we had to let her go
    My wish for Christmas is that people would get a dog or cat from a shelter to give them a forever home

  115. Michael Chin says:

    Our family’s wish this year is to have one last meat-crazy meal together before my sister and her husband have a family of their own early next year.

  116. Regan Kneller says:

    Our family wish this holiday season is in hope that it will be a good 2013, as 2012 was not so good.

    1. trudi okeefe says:

      christmas is meant to be stressful,annoying,a waste of money and eating and drinking to much,and fights with family members,thats what makes christmas worth having,

  117. Amy Wilson says:

    Our wish for Christmas is to spend time with the ones we love, but not only will we think about ourselves and our love ones. We are going to donate gifts to Kmart wishing tree and to heart foundation which is very close to our family( with our nanny having a major heart operation which was a success and our poppy who we sadly lose to a heart attack)… I want my family to know the true meaning of christmas and how everyone deserves to have a special Christmas(which sadly some can’t make this happen) but by us donating we are helping some young children and their families to a bright christmas, Christmas is a time for giving <3

  118. Dear Santa,

    This year my family would love a new house. Termite infested, leaky roof, squeaky floors, broken doors, leaky shower, cracked walls, plumbing to be done, muddy walkway. All we need is a new home. That is all we’re asking. Gillard never heard our cries for help.

    Love Jasmine

  119. Robert Fenwick says:

    My wish this Christmas is to fart out rainbows and ride reindeer into the sunset and of course see the kids happy as ever. Also to dance to my favorite Christmas songs all night and sing drunken, loud, crazy tunes with my brothers and cousins. I wish that I’ll also have some crazy Christmas dreams about flying on Santa’s sleigh and seeing the kids open their crazy, amazing presents and starting a new year with new possibilities. Most of all I wish that Santa brings me a million dollars in which I’d throw a massive party inviting everyone in the world to spread my crazy CHRISTMAS CHEER!!! Have a very Merry Christmas everyone and may ALL your beautiful wishes come true.

  120. My Christmas wish is our family get together is as enjoyable as every other year, and that we don’t get to sad , as we will be one less this year.
    I hope 2013 is a good year for my family and everyone else’s
    Peace and Goodwill to everyone would be a good start

  121. Merry december

  122. My family wish this Christmas is for my little family to be able to enjoy Christmas worry free.
    Why: I’m due to have surgery this Wednesday on a tumor found. Taken us by surprise and definitely not what I was expecting or wanting. This prize would give some well needed cheer and help with my recovery, entertaining my 2yr old whilst I get a bit of rest.
    Lets hope the new year brings us good news!
    Thanks for the opportunity of entering and Merry Christmas! X

  123. My Christmas wish this year is to spend lots of great family time together making memories which will last a lifetime!!

  124. My wish is that at this years family Christmas gathering, all of the family members tell it how it is and not bottle up their thoughts and opinions of each other as they usually do pretending that everything is wonderful and that everyone gets on. Hopefully the mother-in-law is told how she is unfit to even be called a mother as she only thinks about herself and of course her favourite child of the familly who can do no wrong even though it is totally spoilt and incapable of thinking about anything but its own needs, then there is the sister-in-law who is as blonde as can be and we don’t know if she is really stupid or just acting stupid most of the time, then there is the family members who can’t cook but we pretend their food is so morish and then of course there is the Great Aunty who just tells us all how much weight we have put on and we better do something about it……….talk about the pot calling the kettle black, hopefully someone will but her a mirror for Christmas this year and even maybe some scales. So my wish is that everyone be honest for a change and lets spice up lunch without any paprika!!

  125. Kendrea Cornell says:

    I would like to have a street party and hire a snow making machine and invite everyone to toboggan and experience a white Xmas in Townsville Queensland.

  126. My families wish is to re-unite after a few years of family fueds, to be thankful, to eat, to love and to have a blast on christmas eve stuffing our faces and watching the carols

  127. Kylie Saltmarsh says:

    My wish for my Family this Christmas is to be able to celebrate the way we used to. We have lost a much loved family member and this year Christmas is going to be very different for us all.

  128. My wish is not to burn the Christmas Turkey again this year, TRUE!
    My last effort I thought…HOW difficult can cooking a Turkey be too!
    Stuffed it with spices, put on paper towels, YES!
    What happened next, you cannot guess!
    When I was little, I watched my Mum make,
    Thought roasting a turkey was piece of cake,
    She sat it on paper towels…in oven not to get cold,
    Heat on low or so I was told!
    WELL, must have missed moment she took paper towels away,
    THE FIRE I started in MY oven didn’t MAKE MY DAY!!!!
    Continued to cook the ham through the event,
    THOUGHT fire would go out the VENT!
    THOUGHT eggs for the salad would be easy too!
    Cooked them for about twenty minutes, TRUE!
    Hard and rubbery, thought something was not right!
    Then back to cooking, I got a FRIGHT!
    F-O-R-G-O-T about fire in oven, was roaring out of control,
    This cooking experience was taking its toll!
    Called for my boyfriend, needed his help!
    When he opened the oven, BOY did he Y-E-L-P!
    THERE’S A FIRE IN THE OVEN, he did shout,
    I SHOUTED back…”Well put it out!”
    I continued with the Christmas Pudding, and tried making coffee, TRUE!
    Wound up, there was grinds in that too!
    With the fire put out, I was ready to serve,
    Thought my effort was not bad, at least a compliment I could deserve!
    Luckily for me, boyfriend took it in stride,
    He then suggested that night we go for a ride!
    To the late night cafe, just boyfriend and thee!
    He proposed that Christmas night, must REALLY have loved ME!
    My WISH for this holiday season is pretty clear I think,
    Have a “COOKING DILEMMA FREE CHRISTMAS”, and a well deserved drink!!

  129. Callan Kneale says:

    My wish is for my mum who has been in Hospital since February to come home for good so we can watch a movie on the couch as a family. If thats all I get for Christmas ill be happy …

  130. Narelle Rock says:

    I would really love for all of our family to just enjoy being together, no fighting, comparing presents, kids arguing, just time celebrating and sharing love.

  131. Tarshy Treasure says:

    My wish is for everyone to have a great time, for there to be no danger on the roads where we are travelling, and for my children with life threatening allergies to stay safe and healthy with no hospital trips!

  132. Michelle Bowlay says:

    Health and Happiness to my Dad who has two brain tumors and the hospital keep rescheduling his brain operation. Love you Dad

  133. Angie Boylan says:

    Our family wish is for great weather over Christmas, no storms or flooding to prevent family from travelling to join us like last year, no heatwaves creating huge air con bills, just a relaxed enjoyable festive holiday with lots of chocolate!

  134. Kimberly Featherstone says:

    My first with my new partner… Hope for happiness and the beginning of many more happy times for us in the new year… Teaching my girls this year about giving, not so much about receiving…

  135. Ebony Jackson says:

    My wish for Christmas this year,
    Is that our house would disappear.
    No rellos or friends,
    to give me the bends,
    Then at New Year we’d all re-appear!

  136. Christine Hayman says:

    So many ‘paw’ people have had a ‘ruff” year. So I wish for a Happy Christmas, full of puppy love, lots of hugs and a barking new year!!!!

  137. nadine costelow says:

    Christmas eve snuggled on the couch with the 3 gorgeous men in my life. Christmas tree lights glowing, stockings on standby… Large bowl of butterypopcorn in our laps, with a classic Christmas movie on TV. This is all I wish for, simple, quiet, quality time with my family.

  138. Santa mate, my wish this year is that the kids sleep past dawn, can you make this happen? If not, I’ll take a hot day, too much food, Barbie sizzling poolside and two happy fun loving boys with boundless energy playing with all their new pressies! Yep, that’s my wish!

  139. Terrianne koia says:

    Our wish for Christmas is to have a roof over our heads. We may not have much but will always have each other. And maybe a win to put a smile on my sons dial. Making the most of life.

  140. My family’s wish to get a bigger place for our family and to grow in love. We want to change the dynamic to one that is peaceful and warm and welcome. We are getting there slowly but surely.

  141. Arielle Taylor says:

    The PAWfect Christmas wish this holiday season,
    Is to bring my family together without treachery or treason.
    To love and laugh and cherish life,
    To introduce my newest edition, HOPE, without the need for strife.
    To make new memories to forever hold,
    Like family movie nights, there is a story to be told.
    Like passing the popcorn, people come and people go,
    But family create a lasting imprint, this I know.
    So this Christmas I will do whatever I can to create,
    A reunion with family, this is comfortable, marvellous, and great!

  142. I want to spend more time and attention on the things that really matter. I want to spend less time pushing through crowds in shopping malls and more time doing sharing special Christmas moments with my kids. I want to spend less time worrying about how we are going to afford gifts and more time being creative and making gifts with my kids. I want this years Christmas to be the most meaningful one yet!

  143. My family Christmas wish is to simply make it a memorable one. Lots of family time and play time.

  144. Debbie Stoppa says:

    My wish for the Christmas season is for my family to enjoy some wonderful “family time” together. To spend quality time, make memories and just enjoy each others company.
    After a rough year with the passing of my Mum you realise how precious time is and how quickly things can change.
    I wish for health, happiness, fun, laughter and safety for us all.

    May Santas laugh be jolly,
    May Rudolphs nose be bright,
    May all that we are wishing for,
    Arrive on Christmas night.

    Ho Ho Hoping for a magical festive season.

  145. My families wish for Christmas, is to be all together, happy healthy and to enjoy the limited time we will be together, we would also love to be able to see and catch up with extended family, but that will not be possible, so we are gong to enjoy christmas the way we can, by being together 🙂

  146. Amelia Bell says:

    I wish, wish, wish, wish, wish, wish, wish for…………..more ME TIME.
    Hubby wishes, wishes, wishes, wishes for……………….more TIME TO EXERCISE.
    Toddler wishes, wishes, wishes, wishes for……………..more TIME WITH DADDY.
    Baby wishes, wishes, wishes, wishes for………………….more KISSES AND CUDDLES.

    Nothing that costs any money, just wishes that make us reassess where we want to spend our TIME in 2013.

    And of course we wish everyone a happy and joyous 2013!

  147. Kel Montano says:

    Now our family is complete my Christmas wish got us in 2013 is to appreciate our good health and the time that we do get to spend together, rather than focusing on what we may not have. It’s going to be a busy, busy year so finding and appreciating the quiet & calm family moments is my wish

  148. Our wish this Christmas is to see everything through our kids eyes… No stress, lots of fun, prayers & wishes, giving & receiving, play and creating special memories with family and friends. Christmas would be much more enjoyable if we all did this and focus less on the stuff that doesn’t really matter. Merry Christmas everyone x

  149. “Special Nan” has 3 children, 11 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. We have gathered at Special Nan’s house for lunch on Christmas day every year since I (the eldest of the grandchildren, at 42) was born. Now that Special Nan is 93 our family’s wish every year from now is simply to have a happy day, just in case it is the last Christmas Day we all have together.

  150. Well, last week master four said he was wishing for a white soccer goal and a soccer ball, so that’s what Santa was going to bring.
    Yesterday, talking to his grandma, he explained he’s wishing for a blue Lego truck for Christmas.
    Today, when questioned which item he’s really, really wishing for he said he really, really wants some Matchbox track that sticks to the wall. Hmmm.
    I’m wishing he’d make up his mind.

  151. sheena grey says:

    My family’s wish is to have all the family together on the same day at our house & cook a lovely Xmas lunch followed by Xmas Carols & Movies been played all day(a classic xmas) then a quick dip in the pool =D & also just to know that everyone has a present & we will still have money in our wallet would be great! lol

  152. Anjie Morrisey says:

    i wish that we could all have a week off over christmas and enjoy our family and friends over the festive time

  153. Our family wish is for our new born baby boy’s kidney to get better and to be overall healthy. He has to go through so many invasive tests it would be nice to get some good news for Christmas.

  154. We are hoping that our local community continues to embrace new arrivals, that our state continues to attract more people, that our country can continue to offer opportunities to all who live here and that the world can recognise we all have more in common than anything else!

  155. My 4 year old wants a yard to play in, and my man wants a shed.
    I want a pantry and my baby wants a ‘big bed’.
    After years of skimping and saving, of staying in and sometimes missing out,
    our Christmas wish is for the offer we’re making to be the final shout!
    A home of our own, even with the big loan,
    is something that can’t be substituted.
    It will belong to us, after all the fuss,
    OURS, undisputed.
    So let this Christmas be our last one, in a house that’s rented,
    I’m relieved now that our wishes have been vented!

  156. Michael Bradshaw says:

    I really only have one wish for my family over the holiday season. That is for us all to be together and laugh.

  157. beth young says:

    Our wish is to be together for at least one day with each of our parents being split up and sisters interstate it would be nice to all be together for one day

  158. Alicia fox says:

    When kids grow up and leave the nest, family togetherness is what is best! Laughter, food, presents and fun, this is why I’m a mum.

  159. Scott White says:

    I wish for a safe holiday season for all famillies out there. And a happy holiday time full of fun, sun, good food, good people and good times. Being good to people.

  160. Our family wish is to see if we can make it to boxing day and still have some of the gingerbread house leftover. it’s seemed to be mission impossible the past few years..

  161. A Christmas wish would be to wake up to discover that my wife had been back paid the 9 weeks salary her work owes her and be able to pay the bills that are accumulating on the fridge.

  162. Three kids and a Mum simply wishing for togetherness.
    A family scared from a year of death, illness and divorce.
    Looking at 2013 as a new vibrant, positive course.

  163. For some quality control in my workplace’s Kris Kringle.

  164. Jen Sanderson says:

    Our wish is for all our family and friends to be happy and healthy and have a Christmas filled with laughter.

  165. Our wish this holiday season is to take the time to appreciate what we have !! We live a very busy life and to all be together At one time for more then an hour is not common!! We are excited to sit and eat together and spend quality time and to truly appreciate eachothers special part in our little family Xx

  166. Watching Disney, popcorn to eat,
    Family together, Christmas treat,
    Blu-Ray holiday, filled with mirth,
    In our lounge, there’s peace on earth.

  167. Instead my children saying what they WANT for Christmas, I am teaching them to say what they would like to GIVE – homemade Christmas Cookies, thoughtful presents, painted cards – however, I suspect if they saw this Disney Movie Pack they would insist that is what they would really, really, really WISH to give Dad this year….

  168. megan canfarini says:

    Our wish is for a seizure free Christmas with no hospital visits. My 4.5 year old daughter has been really struggling with her Epilepsy this year and last week was in the Childrens hospital having an emergency MRI and Lumbar puncture. She is still not doing much better and it looks like ANOTHER medication is going to be added 🙁 so just a simple family christmas at home and some good health is all we really want .

  169. Our wish is for a chilled, relaxing Christmas. Where we catch up with family and friends and exchange gifts, have fun and lot’s of laughs. It is the season of celebration as Jesus was born.

  170. Jennifer B. says:

    It may seem morose but my wish is uninterrupted joy,

    We ask for our 18 year-old dog to hang in there… He’s like my third boy.

  171. Rhonda Bezzina says:

    My wish for xmas is for the kids to sleep late, for us to wake up early and for a nice quiet xmas day.. lol.. I cannot wish for Joy as I have it all, I cannot wish for Happiness as I have all this to, I cannot wish for a big Family Gathering as I have all this as well.. I have 6 children the oldest is 21 and the youngest is 5, so for the last 18 years or so I have had kids jumping on the bed before sunrise to tell us to “get outta bed! Santa Has Been!” so a nice quiet sleep in and peaceful day is all “I Need For Xmas!”.

  172. that with family and friends getting together that we are still family and friends after christmas.

  173. Chris Anderson says:

    My family’s wish is to have grandmother fully recovered and out of hospital before Christmas Day so she can share this giant turkey with us!

  174. Our wish is for the world not to end on the 21st and celebrate another christmas with all the family.

  175. Sarah White says:

    Our Christmas wish is for peace, health and happiness for friends who are going through some tough times. One of my work mates is battling breast and pelvic bone cancer and her beautiful little boy Joshua (9) is battling a brain tumor. They have just been given their Christmas wish of Joshua being allowed home for Christmas. It is situations like hers and others that make your own problems seem small. If I won I would give this to Joshua – he deserves it. Thanks for a great comp and good luck to everyone – Health love and happiness to everyone! Merry Christmas xxx

  176. Our wish is for the big 3;
    1. A beautiful day with family
    2. Amazing food prepared by everyone and
    3. Shane Warne to announce his come back to international test cricket!!

  177. Tegan Nichol says:

    Christmas cheer,
    Christmas cheer,
    Sitting around with family,
    Seeing everyone in spirit,
    Giving at this time of year.

  178. Michelle P says:

    Hoping the silly season doesn’t get too silly, which quite often happens :/

  179. I would love it for my family to have a great christmas and enjoy the holidays 🙂
    Everything has always been a struggle with family and money, but I wish everything gets better 🙂

  180. To get through an entire Christmas lunch with yiayia (husband’s mother) without landing in the doghouse… if paw-sible.

  181. Caroline Kelly says:

    The recognition that the best gifts are not the ones that come wrapped and tied with pretty ribbon – it is the great memories, love, and gestures that we make and share each and every day that has the most significant impact in our lives.

  182. Our collective family wish is to have one night with no arguments! It is such a rare occasion when it does happen that it becomes a true miracle. A new TV would definitely sidetrack any anger into beauty!

  183. To have our cousins from afar drop in for a spell. We have yet to meet most of our extended family and it would be so wonderful if they decided to surprise us with a visit.

  184. To not put on too much weight with all the delicious food we will be devouring! My hit dish every year is a chicken stuffed with apricot sauce. As you bite in the sauce explodes in your mouth as your taste buds cry with overwhelming joy.

  185. becky oliver says:

    To teach our children what it is to give instead of take and expect from others.. Priceless. And that things only stay in our lives when we are grateful for them and act so… I wish childrens shows taught more spiritual lessons.. we are spiritual beings in a human body. Namaste

  186. My wish is for my family; I want my mum to have a happy Christmas despite the fact that she can’t see her family. I just want her to be happy. I know my family feels the same.

  187. my wish this year is to bring my family together, despite the loss of my finace. my nephews who have mourned their uncles loss for so long deserve something to smile about and i’d love this christmas to be it!

  188. My husband is at work Christmas day, so my Christmas wish would be to have him home for some of the day so that the kids and I can have a proper Christmas

  189. David Towers says:

    My wish would be that the whole world not just my family have a peaceful Christmas, no more war bring the troops home, no more starving people, and everyone JUST GET ALONG AND HAVE FUN.

    Merry XMAS

  190. Reece Dearden says:

    all i wish for chrismas is to be with my amazing girl, jade her smile lights up my world and her laugh is even better, just to see her happy is all i wish for christmas this year.

    some movies, popcorn, chocolate and a warm blanket will cure her sadness if there is any but overall i just want to know i have her there to cuddle up to when ever i look at her 🙂

  191. Leanne White says:

    My family’s wish for this years holiday season is to spend as many precious moments together as possible. We are looking forward to a good old Aussie barbecue for Christmas lunch. We wish everyone the world over many wonderful moments with family/friends, plenty of laughs ( I know we will ), and want everyone to stay safe 🙂

  192. Michelle Gray says:

    Our wish for the holiday season,
    is to be happy with very good reason,
    as it’s a time to celebrate,
    spending time with family and mates.
    To start a fresh year,
    happy and full of cheer,
    to eat and be filled with joy,
    sharing the excitement as the kids open their toys.
    To think of others less fortunate and without,
    and make them feel special, they will smile no doubt,
    finish each day with a smile,
    knowing you have done something very worthwhile.

  193. We all wish that the Christmas Fairies will take the decorations down this year. It’s just not as exciting as putting them up.

  194. Our wish for Christmas this year is to finally spend some quality time together – this is the first time all of my family will have been together for longer than 5 minutes in 12 months or more.

  195. to spend quality time with my family and friends as this year has been the hardest and i am glad its nearly i really wish next year will be better for my family financially and emotionally.merry christmas

  196. Daddy won’t be home for Christmas,
    to share the morning magic.
    He’ll be a thousand k’s away,
    but it needn’t be so tragic.
    We’ve planned a special day before,
    ‘pretend Christmas’ if you will.
    So when their little eyes light up,
    Daddy shares the thrill!
    Our wish for this day,
    more a romantic notion,
    is for it to be perfect
    and filled with rich emotion!
    A day with no temper tantrums, fighting, pulling hair,
    to show Daddy he’s appreciated
    and how much we care!
    For this selfless man who arrives home
    and showers us with kisses,
    with out ever a complaint,
    for everything he misses!

  197. Naomi Schroder says:

    Our Christmas wish is to have lots of quality family time and catch up with family we don’t get to see much throughout the year.

  198. Jodie Van Der Zwan says:

    In our family of three plus a fur baby, we wish to make some precious family memories and a couple of surprises would make the day complete.
    Mummy wishes for a enjoyable and smooth Christmas day; and a few new cookbooks under the tree, wouldn’t go astray.
    Daddy wishes for the family to be safe and happy; and some you beaut headphones would make for a smiling chappy.
    Toddler wishes to play, play, play and a few special gifts should make his day!
    Fur child wishes for a walk, a pat and a treat; he’ll be waiting by the table for some scraps of meat.
    But most of all we wish our family and friends lots of love, joy and laughter.

  199. Our wish this holiday season is for our six year old nephew to go into remission after being diagnosed with cancer one year ago. What a special treat and miracle that would be!

  200. donna-lee edwards says:

    Our wish this Christmas is to love and appreciate each other and be grateful for each other. To make an effort to see people we don’t always get to and make every moment count.

  201. My Christmas wish is for us to be able to move into our first new home before Christmas Day. After inviting family from all over Australia, booked accommodation and flights, so that we could spend our first Christmas in our first home with all our loved ones – it looks like Christmas won’t be happening anymore. The house was almost ready to move into, but everything that could possibly go wrong right now has. Our one wish is that it all somehow works out to plan!!

  202. Our familys wish for this year is just to be together and enjoy this once a year holidays with love and laughs

  203. Nadhir Djoudi says:

    I hope the festive season will be an inspiration for families to cherish what is important. That’s looking after each other and be generous whenever you can.

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